Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe on July 4th

Did you know that July 4th is the busiest day of the year for animal shelters and rescues? More dogs run away on the 4th of July than any other day of the year. While we enjoy the colored lights and the energetic pops of fireworks, our canine companions don't.

Fireworks give off bright lights, loud noises, and a burning smell - all of which can turn on your dog's survival instincts. This can mean running away from the fireworks, which can result in your dog getting lost or injured. Often, the animal will keep running until the noise is gone, so your dog could end up far from home.

Don't fret, there are many steps you can take to protect your beloved pet.

1. Do not take your dog to the fireworks display. You don't know how he/she will react, even if the dog has been to a display before.

2. Make sure your dog's collar is secure and the ID is up to date.

3. Secure all doors, windows, and gates.

4. Provide a cozy, safe place for your furry friend to go to during the fireworks.

4. Turn on a sound machine, radio or television to help drown out the loud noises.

6. If possible, take your dog for a walk before the fireworks begin, so that they use up a lot of energy.

These tips should help keep your dog safe!


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