3 Tips to Make Meal Planning Easier When Coping with Dysphagia

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with dysphagia you’re probably going through several emotions right now. It’s good to receive a diagnosis in that you know what you’re dealing with, but with dysphagia, there is a lot to learn and be aware of to ensure you can stay healthy, comfortable and safe. A dysphagia diagnosis also ranges in severity, so each person will be different.

Here’s a look at three tips you can use that will make meal planning easier as you learn how to cope.

It's More Than Just a Diet Change

The first thing to be aware of is that mealtimes with dysphagia won't just change in terms of what you eat, but how you eat. You need to slow down meal-time significantly, eating very slowly, focusing on swallowing and removing any distractions. Even the way you sit at the table can require adjustments, as it is recommended you sit at a 90-degree angle whenever you're eating.

It’s a lot to get used to, and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed, anxious, scared, angry, confused and even depressed. Don’t hesitate to share your emotions with a close friend, family member or even join a support group for those coping with dysphagia.

What Level Are You?

Before you start preparing meals, you need to know what "level" you are, as this determines your dietary restrictions. Level one means your foods need to be pureed, level 2 is a mechanical soft diet allowing for well-cooked mashed soft foods, level three is advanced so food can't be hard or tough to chew but can be solid, and then level four is a regular diet so you don't have to worry about limitations - instead you reintroduce crunchy and tough foods.

What About Your Favorite Drinks?

Do you have a favorite drink that you enjoy regularly and that you can’t imagine going without? Maybe you’re the type of person that is used to starting the day with a fresh cup of coffee. Is that still okay and considered safe? You may even be looking at using beverage thickening agents, leaving you to wonder can SimplyThick thicken coffee?

The first tip has to do with the temperature. You want to be sure that you aren't thickening a beverage that is hotter than 135 degrees F. Anything hotter than that and you are at risk of scalding yourself. A beverage thickener, such as SimplyThick, is ideal to use with instant coffee. All you have to do is make it as usual and then add the thickener agent and mix well.

And that’s just coffee, of course, other beverages follow the same rule of thumb. Be mindful of the temperature and ensure you focus on getting the right consistency and texture as you stir in the thickening agent. Worth noting, some supplements won’t work. A couple of examples include Resource 2.0 and Boost Breeze.

These tips offer a good place to start when it comes to coping with dysphagia and building a meal plan. Be sure to do plenty of research and ask your doctor lots of questions so you feel confident.


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