5 Tips From a Baby Boomer to a Millennial Regarding the Home

When it comes to the upkeep of a house, there is definitely a generational gap. The baby boomer generation did not have the resources that millennials do when it came to repairs and maintenance. The baby boomers were born between 1946-1964 and millennials were born between 1981 and 1996. This is a significant age difference.

5 Tips a Baby Boomer Could Give to a Millennial Regarding the Home

  • Learn how to fix your appliances yourself
  • Learn how to perform general maintenance to your car
  • Take pride in homeownership and do not outsource work around the home
  • Learn how to prepare for emergency situations, keep cash on hand, have something stored for an emergency
  • Learn to be self-reliant in the kitchen and study skills of canning, pickling, and preserving

Many generations believe that we have a lot to learn from our grandparents. This statement could not be truer than when it is applied to the baby boomers and the millennials. 

The flip side to this is that millennials have learned how to profit in ways that baby boomers never would have imagined. The millennials have learned how to utilize technology to their advantage. Many are successful bloggers and earn income on the side by sharing things that are important to them. 

They have discovered money-saving apps and ways to rent out their properties while they are away. Resources such as Airbnb allow them to use their own capital and then sublease it for additional revenue. This is often referred to as rental arbitrage and is not something our grandparents would have considered back in the day. 

Millennials also have learned how to work less and enjoy life a bit more due to technology-related employment. A lot of positions are remote and this generation is able to take full advantage of that. Many moms are able to work while not even leaving the house. This was something that would not have been achievable during the baby boomer generation. 

Millennials have had a wealth of information at their fingertips for decades. They were the first generation to grow up with computers, the Internet, and technological advancements. When they needed information, they could easily turn to the internet to look up whatever they were looking for. Baby boomers were brought up differently, skills were learned from previous generations, and they had to rely on their own knowledge when it came to fixing things.

Baby boomers would go about chores the old-fashioned way. If the grass needed to be cut, they would mow it. If the car needed an oil change, they would change it. If something on the vehicle broke, they would fix it. If the lawnmower broke, they would fix it. If they did not know how to fix it, they would consult with their friends, neighbors, or other family members until they figured it out. 

Millennials have grown up with an instantaneous upbringing. They could hire someone to cut the grass and they could take their car to a quick change oil shop to have it taken care of. A lot of learned skills were not acquired and a growing demand for trades has become substantial.

Baby boomers would be able to teach millennials how to slow down and learn how to take care of their own properties. They would show them skills that would help to save them money in the long run. They would not have to heavily rely on the internet or outside resources to be successful. 

With these skills, the millennial generation would learn how to repair things around their homes, learn how to build decks, furniture, or other essentials they may want. The boomers would be able to teach the millennials not to rely solely on technology and to save some cash on the side for a rainy day and to prepare for bad weather or hard times. 

Many millennials are out of touch with action-ready plans such as emergency kits, cash, and even shelf-stable food preparation. As time goes on, it seems as though canning, pickling, dehydrating, hunting, fishing, and fixing things ourselves has become routines of yesteryear.

While one income typically sufficed during that era, two incomes are almost necessary to survive now. It is still applaudable that the advancements in communication, technology, and family balance have paved the way for more and more working adults to work remotely from home. This allows for a more balanced home and work lifestyle.

There are obviously many traits that boomers can learn from millennials and that millennials can learn from the baby boomer generation in regards to the home and life.


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