8 Best Thigh Toning Exercises

Have you always craved for a beautifully toned body? Do you work out regularly to achieve your dream body? Well then, you must have certainly realized how exercise can tone your body the way you want it. What’s sad is, even after all that workout, people fail to tone their thighs. Why does that happen? Well, this could be because your workouts aren’t targeting your thigh muscles. Even people who practice leg exercises to enhance lower body strength ignore their thigh muscles when they workout.

When this happens, the thigh muscles, especially those on the inner thigh, get very little attention. So, even after you have removed the extra flab off your butt and lower legs, the thigh remains out of proportion and weak. This ruins the entire show. You may not want to show off your toned legs with a lot of cellulite in the thighs. That is why you must incorporate exercises to tone your thighs in your daily routine. 

8 Best Thigh Toning Exercises

Toning your thighs isn’t difficult if you practice exercises that target the muscles of the thigh. Anyone eager to get their thighs in shape can add the following exercises to their daily regime:

Sumo squat

We all have heard of squats and you probably already have it on your workout regime. While squats are great for your legs, you need something more specific for your thighs. That’s where the sumo squat comes in. It is a modified version of the regular squat and can be done with or without weight. The sumo squat directly targets the muscles of the inner thigh and outer thigh, along with gluteal muscles, calf muscles, and hamstrings. 

Side lunge sweep

If you have an exercise regime for toning your body, you surely have lunges incorporated. Lunges are a popular way of toning the butt and legs. But if you want to target the muscles of your thighs, you need to do more than just lunges. Side lunges or lateral lunges go the extra mile to hit the muscles of your inner and outer thigh and also improve core balance. 

Side-lying leg lift

This is another easy but effective exercise that tones your thighs. As you lift your leg, the muscles of the outer thigh or the abductor muscles are targeted. On returning to the starting position, the inner thigh muscles or adductors are worked out. You can also add a resistance band at the ankles to boost your training. 


If you cannot perform difficult exercises because of weak muscles or an injury, then squeezes are best for you. Squeeze a fitness ball or gym ball with both your legs and lift. This simple exercise will work out the muscles of your thigh without straining your joints. 

Ballet plie

This exercise is especially for people with strong thigh muscles who want to get into the perfect shape. The exercise (position) is widely practiced by ballet artists and hence, the name. It is quite similar to the sumo squat with the exception that you do not have to open up as wide as in the sumo squat. 

Sissy squat

If you are looking for an all-round exercise that will work your glutes, quads, and core muscles and also tone your thighs, you can add sissy squat to your regime. This exercise has many benefits and can help you get the teardrop shape that you desire. 

Air cycling

An easy exercise that you can do anywhere is air cycling. This exercise requires no equipment but is very effective at toning your thighs. When you cycle in the air, many muscles work together, including your hips, legs, and abs. Moreover, it is a fun exercise which is why it is a must-have in any exercise plan for your thighs and legs. 

Frog jumps or froggies

If you want to add another fun exercise to your routine, frog jumps are the best. They let you jump about like a happy frog while still working on your muscles. As you do your frog jumps, the quadriceps, hamstrings, calf, and gluteal muscles, and adductor muscles all work together. With sufficient reps, you can get all your important muscles worked up.

Can flabby thighs be toned?

Many people wonder how they can tone their flabby thighs. Well, the short answer is NO. When you exercise, muscles can get toned. But flab is the extra fat that’s stored in different parts of your body. So, there is no way that you can tone your flabby thighs. Instead, you can lose body fat which will automatically reduce fat stored in your thighs. When you get rid of all the extra flab, it’s the muscle mass that is visible. With the right thigh exercises, you can, then, tone your thighs and get the desired look. 

How long will it take to tone my thighs?

Exercises are not magic. They work slowly with time. If you have just started doing exercises to tone your thighs, you shouldn’t be looking at a timetable yet. The time needed to tone your thighs will depend on many things, including your current fitness level. That apart, there are other contributing factors like:

  1. The exercise regime that you follow
  2. The number of reps and sets that you do
  3. The kind of consistency that you maintain
  4. The diet that you follow

That said, two people following the same diet and exercise plans and at the same level of fitness may exhibit different results. This is because all bodies are different and some may respond fantastically to exercises while others may be a bit slow. 

However, most people can see some changes within four weeks of following a proper exercise plan. For significant changes, you may have to wait for about four months. 


Getting toned thigh muscles is easily achievable when you target the right muscles. For this, you need to select the best exercises to tone legs and thighs and follow a strict regime religiously. That doesn’t, however, mean that you stress your muscles too much all too soon as it can result in injuries. Chalk out a plan and ramp up the intensity of your regime gradually for the best results. 



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