8 Common Myths About Acne That Just Aren't True

Acne is one of those things that happen to everybody on this planet, if you are human being chances are that you have had acne at some point in your life. As common as acne is there are a lot of misconceptions and myths that run around the entire world regarding acne.

Today we are going to be taking a look at some of the myths that surround the whole acne agenda and also let you know the proper way of treating and dealing with acne, so without further ado, let’s get started.

Myth #1: Acne Are Limited to Teen Years

It is often believed that acne only occurs during the teen years of any human. This case is not entirely true as there are many reasons why acne occurs. Acne is a very common skin disease and around 30 of all adults both male and female suffer from acne. But this myth is formed on the basis that 85 percent of teens go through acne.

Myth #2: Washing the Face Helps With Acne

It is often believed that washing your face as much as possible will improve your chances of treating acne quicker but that is not entirely true. You have to understand that acne is a type of bacteria that is under your skin and although washing your face does help in cleaning out the bacteria, cleaning your face more than 2 times a day will cause more harm than good to the face.

To avoid unwanted side effects, wash your face with face soaps. Daily soaps with different chemical additives can dry out your facial skin and create problems for you. To avoid issues, choose milk soaps, such as goat milk soap, which contains hypoallergenic and anti-inflammatory. The combination of milk will not only moisturize your skin but also give your skin a calm, light, and beautiful glow.

Washing your face gets rid of all the natural oils that your body produces. These oils help keep the skin hydrated. If you are to wash your face over and over again, you are likely to dry and crack your skin rather than get rid of that pimple.

Myth #3: Your Diet Does Not Matter

This is a very common myth that almost everyone with acne will know, but the truth is completely different from reality, there were quite a few studies that concluded that a person’s diet has nothing to do with acne and since then this myth has been floating around the world. But today doctors are taking a look at all new data that has been collected and analyzed by the latest technologies and are finding out that a person's diet does impact their acne.

If a person has a diet that consists of unhealthy items like fat and sugar in substantial amounts, it can cause the person to have severe to moderate acne.

Myth #4: Toothpaste Can Clear Acne

When acne occurs, the biggest and the most important task that people get to is getting rid of that acne. That’s why people try various tips and tricks to get rid of the acne as quickly as possible, one of those tricks is to apply toothpaste. The concept is that the cooling agent will help getting rid of the acne.

Fluorides in most modern toothpaste are not safe for the skin, let alone a pimple, there are even chances that fluoride is going to worsen your pimples and zits. If you want to get proper acne treatments, you need to go to acneresearch.org to get the appointed treatment for pimples.

Myth #5: Stress Is Not the Cause of Acne

Stress is something that humans have to deal with a lot, especially these days as the whole world is running around franticly. If you don’t know, acne is caused by hormonal changes in your body. These hormonal changes occur when a person is undergoing some rapid changes, these changes can be anything from puberty to wedding day anticipations and stress. Some studies prove that teens that are stressed out are 23 percent likely to get acne, rather than the control group.

Stress is a natural part of the human body, but excess stress is also what causes acne, so you have to find ways to de-stress your life because this is going to make your healthier and get less acne.

Myth #6: Pores Can Open and Close

This is a myth that we have heard, because pores cannot open and close. The main reason that pores cannot open and close is that that they don’t have any sort of muscles that can help them expand and contract. This myth is famous as most people get their skins exfoliated which removes all the oils in the pores which makes them look smaller as there is no oils and dirt in them. The best way you can exfoliate your skin is by using steam because this is going to clean out your pores without touching your pimples as they get better.

Myth #7: Chocolates Cause Acne

This is one of the most used myths that the family uses to keep their kids from eating too much chocolate. This is something of a controversial topic, as doctors say that chocolate cannot cause acne, but the problem arises when we add dairy and sugar which increase the glycemic index of the chocolate making it cause acne.

There are many companies of chocolates that are available in the world so if you want to eat chocolate and are still concerned about acne, you can eat chocolate that has a high cocoa content making the glycemic index stable in the body and not cause acne.

Myth #8: Chlorine Reduces Acne

Acne is a fairly common skin issue that almost every person in the family has faced one time or more and since so many people around the world have had acne, there are bound to be many myths. One of those myths states that chlorine can help you reduce acne, this brings us back to the toothpaste scenario. Although it may look like that chlorine is drying up your acne, over time it is going to cause even more acne.

The best way to treat acne is going to depend on the skin type, as every person has a different type of skin. A dermatologist is going to be the best person that you can consult and get effective treatment for your acne.


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