9 Tips For A Healthier Diet

Are you trying to eat healthily? Are you wondering the best ways to add healthy food to your diet? If you're a picky eater, or have children that are picky eaters, it can be a challenge to find ways to incorporate a variety of healthy foods into your daily meals and snacks. For some good ideas for healthy snacking, check out Serenity Kids. Also read the tips below.

Here are some of the best tips for a healthier diet.

1.         Avoid Sugary Drinks

Each year, an average person takes 45 gallons of soda. It’s a huge risk for obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Also, sugary drinks are known to cause liver damage, anxiety and premature aging. Rather than sipping packaged soda or juice, you should opt for infused water or unsweetened beverages.

2.         Keep Healthy Food Around

If you are hungry, you are going to eat the first thing you find on the counter or in your cupboard. You should keep healthy food readily accessible in your home and workplace. Put some fruits in a basket and place them on the kitchen counter.

Also, you should keep some healthy snacks at eye level in the pantry. Your fridge should be stocked with small batches of cooked whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits. At work, you should have snacks like dried berries, almonds and pistachios. You can keep them on the desk in a jar or on the top drawer on your desk.

If your healthy eating aim is to lose weight sign up to the AI Weight Loss Diet here.

3.         The Outer Ring Technique When Buying Food

When grocery shopping, you need to consider this amazing technique. Basically, you should shop only in the outer perimeter of the store. That’s where they put the healthy food such as lean meats, fruits, nuts, vegetables, eggs and fish. If you limit your shopping to these places, you will end up buying healthy food at all times.

4.         Eat A Lot Of Nuts And Seeds

Nuts should be part of your healthy diet. That’s because they contain vitamins, healthy fats and minerals. They are superfoods that contain a lot of nutrients. Seeds such as flaxseed, chia and pumpkin seeds are healthy for you. They are great sources of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals such as zinc, calcium and magnesium. You can add nuts and seeds to your baked goods or sprinkle them to your cereal in the morning. Even better, they are great snacks compared to candy bars.

5.         Add More Fish To Your Diet

You should aim to eat fatty fish such as mackerel and salmon at least 2 times every week. Fish is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that improve the heart and brain health. Also, eating fish can reduce the risk of contracting diseases like diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer’s.

6.         Bake With Whole Grain Flour

When baking, you should use whole grain flour. It contains bran and germ thereby being more nutritious than refined flour. You can replace half the flour in the baking recipe with spelt flour and assess the difference. You can also choose any other type of whole grain floor and notice the positive impact.

7.         Serve Food On Smaller Plates

Serving food on larger plates tricks your brain into thinking you haven’t eaten enough. Serve your food on a smaller plate and you will feel full faster and avoid overeating.

Also, the colour of the plate will have an effect on your intake of food. Most people eat less food if there is a bigger colour contrast between the food and the plate. If there is a lower contrast, you will eat more.

8.         Count Nutrients Instead Of Calories

Rather than focusing on the calories in your diet, you need to count the nutrients. Your intake of energy depends on your ability to extract the same energy from food. Calories are different and the quality of each has a lot of impact on your health and not the quantity.

9.         Add Probiotics To Your Diet

If you want to eat healthy foods, you need to add more probiotics to your diet. Kefir and other probiotics will increase the healthy gut bacteria responsible for digestion. These bacteria also help in building the immune system and extracting nutrients from food. Probiotic foods such as apple cider vinegar, yogurt and soft cheese are also good for your gut.

Try these healthy dieting tips and you will notice a huge difference in your body!


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