Aging: What to Expect and How To Cope

We all get older. It’s a fact of life that we must all come to terms with in our own way. But there’s no reason to wallow in despair, it’s a universal truth and we can still live happy and full lives well into our 80s and 90s if we look after ourselves and know what to expect.

Our bodies change as we get older and these changes might impact our everyday lives. But if you know what’s coming it’s that much easier to cope with it. With that in mind, here are a few of the health problems you might need to prepare for in your golden years.

The cardiovascular system

Because our blood vessels get tougher as we get older, our hearts need to work harder to pump blood around our bodies. That’s why we tend to feel colder, and it takes more effort to get our blood pumping. The best way to combat this is to eat a healthy diet, ensure you’re sleeping at least 7 hours a night and cut back on harmful habits such as smoking.
Bones, joints and muscles

At a certain age, our bones start to shrink and that makes them weaker and less flexible. This causes stiffening of joints and makes us feel more immobile than when we were younger. Combat this by including more physical activity into your routine to build stronger bones and getting plenty of calcium and vitamin D, either through food or supplements.

Perhaps the most worrying thing about getting older is losing our memory. We lose brain cells as we age, so you’re always going to forget little things but to ensure your cognitive functions are as sharp as possible for as long as possible, try to keep your brain active with social engagements. The brain is like a muscle so if you don’t use it enough it will atrophy.

Sexual needs and performance

For older men and women, sex can become more difficult in older age as men cope with erectile dysfunction and women cope with vaginal dryness. The best way to ensure this isn’t an issue is to be open and honest with your sexual partners. Be open to new ideas and experimenting with intimacy without sexual intercourse.
Digestive system and bladder
Older adults tend to suffer from constipation and the need to urinate more often, particularly if they suffer from conditions such as diabetes and are on lots of medication. Improving your digestive system, not surprisingly, is all about managing your diet. Foods that are high in fibre are always recommended and you should cut back on fatty meats and dairy products wherever possible. Also, remember to drink water throughout the day.


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