Everything You Need to Know About the Homebuying Process

It’s pretty easy to get intimidated by the homebuying process, especially if this is your first time. No worries there—you’re definitely not alone. However, the easiest way to stop fearing the boogeyman is to turn on the lights and check under the bed. To pull back the curtain on the not-so-scary process of finding a happy home, check out this guide!

It Takes a lot of Time

The homebuying process is by no means a simple one—and for a good reason. You’re committing many years of mortgage repayment and a hefty chunk of change to your dream home, so it behooves you to take your time.

Here are the basic i’s and t’s you should be dotting and checking along the way:

  • Budgeting for your new home (include the down payment, utilities, mortgage payments, interest, and differences in cost-of-living).
  • Getting pre-approved for a mortgage.
  • Landing a loan with appealing terms.
  • Finding a real estate agent that respects your budget and your wish list.
  • Hunting for a house that you can afford (and see yourself living in)! This is the fun part.
  • Putting in a down payment and filling out a purchase contract.
  • Closing the deal on your new home, sweet home!

It Doesn’t End at the Date of Purchase

Once you buy a home, the process doesn’t end there. To follow are years of mortgage payments, every month at an agreed-upon rate set (typically) by your lender, at an agreed-upon interest rate. That’s where you may want to consider refinancing after a few years.

So, what does refinancing mean?

Refinancing is the process of finding a new loan or a different lender such that you restructure your mortgage into terms that are more favorable for your financial situation. This could mean:

  • Tweak the length of your loan term
  • Consolidate your mortgages into a single payment
  • Lowering the interest rate on your monthly payments
  • Switch to a fixed-rate mortgage from an adjustable-rate mortgage
  • Liquidate a portion of the equity you’ve accrued in your home

It’s All About Location

While amenities, architecture, size, and room-to-bathroom ratios matter, one of the most important aspects of a house is actually comprised of all the stuff around it: location.

Repeat after me, kids: location is the single most important thing about buying property. Period. Not only will the location of your new home affect your quality of life when you’re there, but it will also hold significant weight on the selling price.

Here are some things to consider when looking into locations for your new home:

  • Practicality – Is your potential new neighborhood tucked into the side of a mountain? Then maybe there’s a reason it’s under-budget.
  • Convenience – Is it close to work or school? Or will you have to take a small charter plane to get to the office?
  • Transportation – How long is the trek to the train station? If you have a car, is there a garage? Or is street parking A-okay?
  • Safety – Can you leave your door unlocked at night (even if you can, don’t) or should you look alive even during the day?
  • Beauty – Will living in that area inspire you and make you happy? Beauty matters! Try to find an area with plenty of trees, nice streets, and friendly faces.

Enjoy the Process and Don’t Go at it Alone

You don’t have to brave the treacherous waters of real estate alone. Whether you have the help of an agent, a nosy but well-meaning parent, or your significant other, make sure you’re sharing your budget and goals with your helping hand. That way, you don’t have to shoulder the pressures of the homebuying process all by yourself. Plan wisely, budget well, and good luck!


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