Home Decorating with Mobility Issues in Mind
Shannon Blake, Owner Carolina Creekhouse

Decorating Tips with Mobility Issues in Mind

Everyone loves to do a home refresh between seasons or to update décor that’s just been around for too long! It’s no secret that as we get older our ideas about what we want in our home changes, but so do our needs.

As we (and our family members) get older, we start to focus more on how we can live our best life within the home we have created for ourselves. There are often modifications needed to better suit the mobility needs of everyone in the home. Planning and making smart decisions about décor changes now will make mobility challenges so much easier to overcome.

Some of the major mobility challenges in homes are:

  • Unsafe Floors
  • Narrow spaces
  • Carpet
  • Poor lighting

Are you ready to remedy your home’s mobility decor challenges?

Correcting unsafe floors can be as simple as removing exposed wires from outlets to appliances or removing traditional area rugs that may cause tripping hazards. It’s also a great idea to review all the transitions from one room to another to ensure that the floors are level, and it would be easy to move back and forth between the two spaces.

Narrow spaces cause a myriad of issues, especially if you are using a cane, walker, or wheelchair to get around your home. Having too much furniture or clutter are tripping hazards for most, but they become even more concerning when mobility aids are needed. There are so many stories of someone having a fall, a broken bone, and never being the same after. Keeping wide walkways free from clutter and infringing furniture will reduce the chances of you being one of those stories!

One of the biggest challenges in mobility is CARPET! Besides being a tripping hazard, carpet makes using mobility aids incredibly difficult. If you are redecorating, consider transitioning to a hard surface flooring material that will reduce mobility challenges. If you are worried about falls and want to keep the softer carpet, a super low-pile carpet is recommended with an ultra-thick rug padding underneath. This helps with smooth transitions between spaces.

Eyesight is one of those things that starts rapidly changing in our 30’s and this affects how we live in our homes too. Adding mobility concerns with deteriorating eyesight can easily be helped with strong, easily controlled lighting. There are so many advancements in lighting these days that you can consider motion lights or remote controlled outlets to make sure you always have the right lighting throughout your home.


About the Author

Shannon Blake is the owner and founder of Carolina Creekhouse. She loves decorating her home with stylish and practical items that work for her entire family. As an entrepreneur she has brought that same spirit into the business and loves sharing her passion for home décor with her customers.

Carolina Creekhouse creates practical and pretty vinyl mats for all spaces in your life. FloorFlats protect floors and surfaces without posing a trip hazard. They are easy to clean with soap and water and protect all your hard surface floors. The thin profile of our mats, make them an ideal option for homes looking to update for mobility.


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