How Can I Brighten My Teeth?

If you recently read our article about why your teeth might look discolored, you may be wondering what you can do to help your teeth look whiter. Depending on the condition of your teeth, you may have different options. We remind you that it's best to check with your dentist before trying anything. A dentist can help you select an option best for you.

First, let’s discuss whitening treatments. If you've been in the oral care aisle of a drug store lately, you've likely seen many products that promise to whiten your teeth. Over the counter whitening treatments, such as toothpastes, mouthwashes, and whitening strips promise to whiten your teeth, but most dentists agree they aren’t the most effective option. At most, these types of products will brighten teeth 1 to 2 shades, or you may not notice much of a difference. These things may be worth a try if you're looking for an affordable option. Be careful though, because some treatments can have damaging side effects. The Journal of the American Dental Association warns that using abrasives that are too rough can cause your enamel to wear away, which will in turn make your teeth look more yellow (remember that pesky dentin we talked about in our previous article). So be sure to avoid trendy remedies you might have heard about, such as a charcoal scrub or a baking soda-hydrogen peroxide paste.

If you're looking for the most effective option, your best bet is to pursue professional whitening treatments. The more effective, more expensive, but quickest option is an in-office whitening procedure. A high-concentration peroxide gel will be painted on your teeth by a trained technician. This method can help brighten your teeth by several shades in just one visit, but the average cost is about $650 nationwide. The other option is a take-home system. You’ll get fitted for custom trays at the dentist office and bleach your teeth at home using the trays. The trays are filled with a lower-concentration peroxide gel and worn for a certain period of time each day over the course of a couple weeks. This method is a slower process but may result in less sensitivity than an in-office procedure. Custom gel trays will probably run you about $200-$400, so they are friendlier on your wallet than an in-office procedure.

If you’re not a candidate for whitening treatments, you could consider dental veneers, which are thin shells that are custom made to fit over the surface of your teeth. Veneers, which are permanent, can give you a brighter smile in a short time, but they can be expensive (anywhere from $500-$2,000 per tooth). Dental bonding, which uses resin, can also be utilized to whiten teeth but this method is usually used for just one tooth, and the bonding will need to be replaced every 5 to 10 years.

You can make some simple lifestyle changes to help keep your teeth as white as they naturally can be.  Brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily, and get your teeth cleaned regularly. It’s also smart to avoid smoking, drink a lot of water, and limit your wine, tea and coffee intake.

If you’re frowning every time you see your smile in pictures or the mirror, it may be time to explore your options! While you can buy over the counter whitening treatments yourself, it’s best to start with a visit to your dentist.

And while you’re improving your smile, if your teeth aren’t as straight as you’d like them to be, it’s never been easier than before to correct that. At this point in your life, the thought of wearing braces is not appealing. Clear aligners are able to do much of what braces do and they have grown in popularity in recent years. Unlike braces, clear aligners are more aesthetically pleasing and can be removed for special occasions. You’ll still deal with some discomfort, just like braces, and it can get pricey, but you may be surprised with how quickly the process can be completed.

One major advantage to clear aligner treatments is they can be administered through remote providers. By purchasing and completing an at-home impression kit, your provider can build a customized treatment plan just for you. Instead of time consuming in-person appointments, at-home clear aligner treatments happen from the comfort of your own home.

Without all the overhead of an orthodontist’s office, at-home clear aligner providers are able to offer treatment at a lower price point than traditional options. Remote treatments can’t treat the same severe conditions as in-person options, but if your condition is mild-to-moderate, at-home clear aligners may be worth a look.

When you’re happy with your teeth, you’re likely to smile a bit more and a bit wider, which is always a good thing!


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