How Retirement is Different for Baby Boomers

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

John Lennon would agree with Ms. Roosevelt. Boomers are dreamers. Like no other generation that has come before or since, they have always upheld the values of pursuing your dreams and embracing the future. As a result, they’ve been rewriting the script at every stage of life.

Now that they’re busy figuring out what they want out of the next 20+ years, they’re re-inventing retirement, too.

From traveling to taking up adventure sports to starting new careers, there’s one thing you can say about the way Boomers are retiring… they’re doing it differently!

So, what does this new paradigm for retirement look like? Here’s how retirement is different for Boomers. 

For Boomers, Retirement Represents Opportunity 

“Retirement” used to mean shuffling off to a slower existence on the back burner of life. Horizons were narrow and retirees didn’t have many choices in the matter. That’s no longer true. Boomers have re-wired those horizons and turned retirement into something to look forward to.

Of course, they’re used to re-thinking everything. They grew up in a world that was vastly changed from what their forebears had experienced. 

With parents who were raised during the Great Depression, when Eleanor Roosevelt spoke the famous words quoted above, Boomers grew up with a different way of viewing the world. Unlike their tough, frugal-minded parents, they grew up in times of unprecedented economic growth and prosperity.

So it’s only natural that bright futures are coded into their DNA.

As a result, they’ve turned everything on end when it comes to defining what life is all about. The following sentiments summarize the voice of the Boomer generation: We can stop the Vietnam War. We can march for women’s rights. We can save the environment. We can eat better and live healthier lives. We can become more self-aware. We can open our minds to other cultures. 

For them, everything is an opportunity. They’re used to inventing new norms and have been successful doing so their entire lives. And now, as they’re setting their sites on retirement, they’re transforming it into something to look forward to, a phase of life that’s full of opportunity.

Opportunity to do what? Explore. Discover. Learn. It’s a chance to break the mold and make things better. 

Boomers Expect More and Won’t Settle for Less 

Boomers came into adulthood enjoying the benefits of a dramatically improved healthcare system. According to research, during their lifetimes, the average lifespan increased by 16 years. In addition, advances in medicine and technology have resulted in vastly improved prognoses for many of the world’s worst diseases.

All this adds up to many more years spent in retirement. Boomers are healthier, they live longer, and they have much more energy for taking on new challenges and adventures.

Bottom line: they’re not ready to settle for a traditional retirement where Bingo night is the highlight of the week! 

Boomers want to dive into fun, new activities that satisfy all dimensions of wellness: 

  • The body’s need for physical exercise 

  • The mind’s need to continually be challenged 

  • The soul’s need to be nurtured and fulfilled 

Want helpful information about exercising as you age? Read these 14 fitness tips for boomers.

Preserving access to recreational, social, and spiritual opportunities and events is increasingly a top concern for Boomers. Unwilling to live out their years in suburban isolation, they are turning toward urban centers as well as community settings.

And, given the research and news that social isolation can actually be as bad for you as smoking, high blood pressure, and obesity, Boomers are critically aware of the importance of community.

Read about the mental and physical importance of socialization.

But make no mistake: the urban areas or communities that Boomers choose will need to offer an upgraded experience over what’s traditionally been the norm. Cities and towns will need to beef up their public transportation systems and keep a lid on crime. Retirement communities will need to offer plenty of enticing choices for living an active lifestyle. 

They’ll need to offer dining options that delight every type of palate. They’ll need to offer services with an a la carte system that allows residents to tailor their experience to their desires.

That’s why these days, resort-level recreational facilities are being built at the top retirement communities. It’s also why premium dining options are available, like gourmet chefs on staff, vegetarian and vegan options, and more. It’s why they’re located near great shopping, restaurants, and cafes.

In short, it’s becoming entirely possible for every Boomer to find a unique urban area or suburban community that matches their lifestyle as well as their needs and desires.

Boomers are More Open to Downsizing & Moving 

As Boomers chased their careers around the country during their youth, many became accustomed to uprooting their families and moving to new states. Many also moved out of urban areas and into the new suburbs, which were built to attract the new generation of career-minded families.

Now that they’re in retirement, Boomers are downsizing in droves. Some move to urban areas to experience a car-free existence and soak up the cultural scene. Others move to coastal areas to live out their dreams of living near the ocean. Some find retirement communities that speak to their needs and their future plans – communities that will allow them to someday transition to higher levels of care, should they need it. In addition, there are artist colonies for older adults, golf-centered communities, luxury-style living for seniors, and more. These communities are designed to attract a niche market of retirees who know exactly what they want.

But whatever their destination for living, it’s clear that Boomers won’t be tied down by their possessions, their huge empty homes, or the locations where they worked the final years of their careers. They’re willing to give it all up and seek new adventures in new locales. 

Thinking about downsizing? Read these 5 tips for staying sane when downsizing your home for retirement.  

Conclusion: It’s a New Retirement for the Boomer Generation 

As the generation that changed the world as we know it, Boomers are at it again. Retirement doesn’t look anything like it used to, and we have them to thank for that. In fact, the word ‘retirement’ doesn’t really seem to capture what it means to turn 62 anymore. Perhaps it’s not enough to change the definition of retirement. Perhaps it’s time to get a new word!

Want to learn more about retirement? Check out these articles by Acts Retirement-Life Communities: 


This content was provided by a guest contributor.






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