How to Look Your Best for Photographs

Deciding what to wear for a big event whether that is your niece's wedding or any event where you know upfront that your photograph will be taken can be tricky sometimes, as there are so many things to consider, and, once again, these photos are going to be around for posterity. Some things to think about:


Be absolutely sure that the color you choose to wear around your face is correct for you. And, if you look better in muted tones than bright, flashy ones, do not choose your picture day to try something new and bold. If you are going to be photographed outside, do not wear green. If you need to, refer back to this post about your best colors.

Pay attention to your face

It is not just about what you wear but about your face as well. Do not hold back, add a bit of color to your eyes and if you have dry lips, treat that with some cbd lip balm.


A wild plaid can be fun sometimes, but never in a photograph. You want people to notice and remember how beautiful you are, not how nauseating that plaid is! Consider any stripes you choose to wear as well. The camera really does add a few pounds, and those horizontal stripes might add a few more. And if you are very tall and thin, never, ever wear vertical stripes, in pictures or otherwise!


This is not time to bring out your lightweight, flowing fabrics. Aside from the possibility of your chosen outfit being transparent when light is directed at it (yikes!), a heavier fabric just looks better in photographs.


Less is more here. A beautiful, sparkly pair of diamond earrings and a pendant are timeless and always add a bit of jazz to your look. Some colorful environmental bracelets may also provide some break in tone. Also the faux diamonds that are on the market now are excellent. Be sure that you clean your jewelry before picture time to make the most of it and you!

The Big Picture  

Even if you think no one is going to see your feet in these pictures, bring the correct shoes anyway. You never know. And, besides that, when you feel good, you look so much better, and it is hard to feel good in a gorgeous outfit with your tennis shoes on!

Don’t splurge on fancy dresses 

The rule here is the same as with the jewelry. Keep it simple; don’t bring the most sophisticated dress to a photo session. You don’t need to splurge on clothing to look your best, in fact don’t be ashamed to shop for some bargains. Coupon statistics say that fewer than 55% of baby boomers use coupons at all compared to 80% of millennials.


Next time you are checking out those magazines, look at the models and mimic their pose.

Shoulders back, face forward and chin slightly down. This simple step will help you lose the dreaded double chin and if your shoulders are back, your arms look thinner.

How about the 5 biggest mistakes that people make when preparing?

Know your face. If you have a crooked smile see which side is higher and practice pulling the opposite side to compensate. Let’s say one of your eyes is bigger than the other, try to squint it slightly to compensate or angle your head a little. Spend some time in the mirror. 

Don’t stand wide at the camera. Often people stand with their waist toward the camera… unless you are a size 0 or 2… Don’t do it. If you point one hip toward the camera you will lose inches from your waist.

Don’t cut yourself off. If you know you are going to have a picture taken, don’t wear things that are going to make you look short and wide. Capri pants are notorious for making women’s figures look undesirable. 

No mug shot please. Sometimes people get so scared of getting their picture you can actually see them thinking, ”get it over with already”. Relax; think to yourself, this time I’m going to look like I do when I’m primping in the mirror. Practice smiling with your eyes to convey life and inner happiness.

Don’t be stiff. Try giving yourself some angles. Put your thumb in your pocket. Shift your weight from one foot to the other. If you’re standing, cross one foot over the other. All of these little tricks add dimension and interest to your picture.


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