Minimizing AR for Medical Practices and Small Businesses

Unpaid bills can be very problematic for business owners and medical practices. Businesses of all types should have a well-defined accounts receivable strategy to avoid incurring losses due to non-payment of invoices.

Small businesses owners and doctors are hard-working individuals. They contribute a lot to American society in the form of services they offer and also by paying taxes and generating employment. A large percentage of business owners and medical practitioners are baby boomers, who strive to grow every day of their life.

Most private business owners and medical practitioners are clueless about their rights and legal options they have once a payment is overdue. They may instruct their staff to call them or send invoice repeatedly. Well, maybe 50% of the debtors will make payment over the next 30 days. Clients who do not pay after 30-60 days could be having some financial hardship or possibly having a financial hardship. They may have other bills to pay and are unsure which bills they should pay and delay others.

This is where professional collection agencies come to the rescue. A collection agency for small business will offer several debt recovery options to settle the debt amicably and diplomatically. Similarly, those medical practitioners who have accumulated too many unpaid bills should hire a medical debt collection agency to minimize losses. The fact is that a doctor or his staff cannot put too much pressure themself or else they would ruin relationships with their patients. By outsourcing their collection efforts to a professional agency, they are protecting themself and their profession.

Did you know, even debt collectors are prohibited from putting undue pressure in debtors? The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, commonly referred to as the FDCPA, is a federal law that governs the actions of parties acting as third-party debt collectors for personal debts. The FDCPA is designed to protect debtors from harassment by bill collectors.

Therefore a collection agency will work amicably and persistently to recover your debts. Since they are professional collectors, they know every legal action that can be taken while staying within the legal boundaries. They will work to protect your business relationship with debtors in a very diplomatic way.

Baby boomers, who are small business owners, should carefully select a collection agency rather than the one offering the cheapest fees. They have worked hard to establish their good reputation not to be spoiled by a rogue debt collector.

Baby boomers, who are medical practitioners, should preferably hire a mid-size debt collection agency who has been in business for over ten years. This selection will give them a perfect balance of personal attention and quality of debt collection services.

NexaCollect is a service provider which is not a collection agency on its own, but helps creditors to find a good collection agency based on their requirement. A collection agency which may be getting great returns for Utility clients may not be getting such good results with Medical clients. They may not have adequate provision to implement HIPAA privacy laws required for medical debt collection.

Let's stop writing off the bad debt and start recovering!


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