Simple Tips to Help You Stick to Your Resolutions

New Year, New You. For those who are eager to make positive changes in life, starting fresh with a New Year seems like the perfect time to do it. If only it were that simple! Chances are there has been a year where you've made a resolution or two and failed miserably. Everyone's been there. So we gathered some simple tips to help you succeed in your resolution goals this year.

Stick with one resolution instead of taking on too much at once. If you're trying to uphold five resolutions rather than one, chances are you're just not going to be able to keep up with it all. Channel all of our energy into one behavior and you have a better chance of success.

Tell your family and friends about your resolution, so they can help support you. Keeping a resolution private can make it more likely that you give up, while making it public increases your fear of failure and gives you an extra motivational boost.

Don't revisit a past resolution that you've failed at, because this can set you up for failure or disappointment right off the bat. If you failed at "losing 15 pounds", don't make that same exact resolution again. Instead, try for "exercise more" as your resolution. This doesn't put a specific weight goal in your head, but if you succeed at "exercising more" then you'll be on your way to weight loss.

Don't pick a resolution based on what others are doing. Think about what you really want rather than going along with the crowd.

Take a resolution one step at a time. You're not going to lose 10 pounds or find the perfect job overnight. Outline smaller steps that will help you meet your goal and focus on one small step at a time.

If you have a setback, it's not time to just throw in the towel. Slip ups are normal, so expect them. Move past them and continue on with your goal.

Also, take a look in the mirror. Are you male or female? An interesting study came out that showed gender affects what resolutions you'll make and keep. Men are more likely to succeed when they set specific goals for themselves, rather than general goals, and do better when focused on rewards. Women, on the other hand, are more likely to succeed when they share their goals with other people.

If you'd like to make a resolution but don't have any good ideas, here are five resolutions we suggest specifically for baby boomers:

  1. Hire a financial advisor
  2. Write down what your "dream retirement" looks like
  3. Revisit your investment allocation
  4. Determine your social security strategy
  5. Learn how retirement income impacts your taxes

Happy New Year!






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