Technology & the Future of Work
Sanah Sadaruddin, Contributor

This content was provided by a guest contributor.

As the U.S. population ages and the number of people reaching traditional retirement age increases, employers need to do more to attract and retain older workers, many of whom are highly experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled. From offering flexible schedules to creating educational and vocational training programs tailored to older people’s learning needs, many local and state agencies are advocates of an aging workforce using campaigns to educate employers and industry associations about the benefits of hiring and retaining older workers.

With the disappearance of traditional jobs influenced by technology, automation and artificial intelligence, companies can help prepare the older workforce for jobs of the future in three easy ways:

  • Make sure they’re in the tech-know. Older workers possess high levels of technological proficiency. Like any new employee, take the time to show them your preferred digital processes and offer a digital mentor to answer questions providing an open platform of learning, or “refresh” skills they already have.
  • Capitalize on the curiosity of the older worker. For those with extensive industry experience and a passion for your business, a new employer will find older workers to be motivated to learn new tasks and stay on top of the latest industry trends.
  • Get the most out of their experience. Smaller companies are always looking to leverage “big company” expertise and many older workers have spent a bulk of their careers at big companies. Take advantage of their experience to tap into the wealth of knowledge that can make small businesses flourish.

Senior Service America, Inc. and the Institute for Work & the Economy are co-hosting The Force for the Future Conference in Dallas from October 30 to November 1 to share more insights into what the future might hold for older workers in America. Seek out similar programs and resources to learn more about strategies on how to get jobs for older workers, alternative work options for 55+ workers and how employers can expand job flexibility options to keep valuable Baby Boomer employees.


Image: iStock, provided by contributor


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