When It Is Necessary to Get a Minimally Invasive Laminectomy Surgery

Minimally Invasive Laminectomy Surgery has helped millions of people to get back to regular activity after a short recovery period. While the idea of spinal surgery can be frightening, Awake Spinal Fusion's minimally invasive spine surgery makes use of a small incision to remove bone spurs and obstructions.

What is a Laminectomy?

A full laminectomy is a surgical procedure in which part of the spine is removed. When bone spurs, arthritis, and other common conditions alter the shape of the vertebrae, the pain can be debilitating. A full laminectomy is an open-spine surgical procedure where extensive obstructions or processes are removed. When this is done, the patient must be fully anesthetized so that the affected vertebrae can be exposed.

However, a full, invasive laminectomy is not always necessary. Sometimes a minimally invasive form of this surgery can be done to great effect.

What Makes a Minimally Invasive Laminectomy Different?

When bone spurs or other obstructions are limited in size and number, located near the ridge of the spine, and not beneath deeper tissue, a minimally invasive form of laminectomy can be performed. In this type of procedure, the surgeon will make one or more small incisions in the patient's back and remove obstructive formations through the opening. Smaller incisions mean less bleeding, fewer stitches, and reduced damage to soft tissue. This means your recovery time will be faster and less painful.

With this type of back surgery, the entire procedure can be completed in as little as thirty minutes. Recovery times range between one and six weeks. Oftentimes, patients are able to resume regular activity after just one week, even if some discomfort remains until the end of the full recovery period. After a full laminectomy, patients require at least four weeks for a full recovery.

How do I Know I Need a Minimally Invasive Laminectomy?

As mentioned in the previous section, when obstructions are small in size, limited in number, and located in a more accessible location, then a minimally invasive laminectomy may be recommended. Sometimes a full laminectomy is still necessary, but we always investigate to see if the minimal form of the procedure can be effective first.

Conditions that qualify a patient for a minimally invasive laminectomy include:

  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Herniated Lumbar Disc
  • Lumbar Synovial Cyst
  • Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Your doctor will decide whether a minimally invasive laminectomy is right for you and when. If you are experiencing back pain of an unknown origin, you should begin by seeing your general practitioner who will then send you to see a specialist. Your specialist will attempt other less invasive interventions first, moving on to surgical interventions, including Awake Spinal Fusion's minimally invasive spine surgery if necessary.

After your minimally invasive laminectomy, you will be moved to an observation room until the anesthetics wear off. In most cases, you will be able to leave the medical facility on your own just as you arrived. Your doctor will prescribe a painkiller and recommend care and recovery activities. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled to assess the site and you should be ready to return to normal activities in one to four weeks.


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