Winning Bingo Numbers

From your birthday to the door number of the house you grew up in, for whatever reason, many people have lucky numbers that resonate with them for some reason or another and they use them regularly on things like playing the lottery and in Rio Bingo game where you can choose your own numbers.

Can you predict which numbers will come next in bingo?

It’s the ultimate game of chance because when it comes to winning bingo, it’s all down to if Lady Luck is on your side as the outcome of the order the bingo balls/bingo numbers are drawn is completely random. There have been many theories and strategies proposed that have suggested it can be predicted which number is likely to be drawn first, but as bingo balls that are physically drawn from the machine are random and online bingo uses a random number generator, this means that each number is drawn completely at random and therefore no one can accurately predict which number will come next. 

Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do to influence the outcome of the game - that’s just the luck of the draw! However, that doesn’t stop lots of players being superstitious when it comes to bingo numbers, with many players having lucky numbers that they like to see on their bingo cards.

Are some numbers lucky and others aren’t?

However, some numbers become lucky for certain players when they play games like bingo, for example when a player is one number away from winning the full house, they’re on the edge of their seat, gripping their bingo dabber, tongue peeping out of the corner of their mouth in concentration and anticipation for their last number being called out… And once it’s called, they leap up - “BINGO!” and just like that, the last remaining number which landed them the jackpot becomes their lucky number and it puts a little smile on their face each time they see it appear on their bingo card or lottery lucky dip, hoping it will prove lucky for them once again.

The reverse is also true, with many players believing some numbers are unlucky and this can often be when a player is waiting on one number for the full house and someone else beats them to it before the number is called out. That number can then become an “unlucky” number in the eyes of the player! For example, number 13 is probably one of the most famous, or should we say infamous, numbers out there are associated with bad luck in the Western world.

There are some numbers which are famous for being “lucky”, for example, lucky number 7. In fact, according to statistics, the number which most players choose when playing the lottery number is 11 followed by lucky number 7. Many this has some connection to the moon landing, where the astronauts travelled to the moon on Apollo 11. Some players are clearly rebels as number 13 is also a very common number to be selected when playing the lottery despite its bad reputation!


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