Baby Shower Ideas Baby Boomers Can Share with Millennials

If one word captures the spirit of being a modern millennial, it is ‘meaning’. Manufacturers, marketing experts, and social media influencers alike know that in order to resonate with the millennial generation, their offerings have to be steeped in this quality. Millennials value these purpose when looking for a job, choosing the companies they wish to back, and finding a place to live. Meaning is also dominating the traditions and rituals that enrich their lives and help create memories. For many couples who are expecting a child, one question that arises at some point in their pregnancy is - ‘How can we immerse key events such as our baby shower, our child’s birth, and their first few days, in meaning’? If you are a baby boomer with a millennial loved one who would like to celebrate a special baby shower, you may like to share the following ideas with them.

Displaying Gratitude for Loved Ones

The pandemic did plenty to encourage human beings to revalue ideals like family and togetherness, since so many families were torn apart by travel restrictions, regulations on social gatherings, and of course, mandates to remain at home in early 2020. Today, small groups of family and friends are delighted to once again share in each other’s company, spend quality time together, and thank each other for the value they bring to each other’s lives. Today’s baby showers are marked by this sense of gratitude, with some parents choosing to thank each guests in a special way. This could be through a personalized letter or card, a video, or a speech.

Upping the Fun Factor

Who said  baby showers had to be all about opening diaper cakes or consuming copious amounts of petits fours? Today’s parents are making it more about fun and laughter by delighting guests with baby shower activities like games, karaoke, and dancing. One activity that will keep guests on their toes include balloon baby twister, in which guests place a balloon beneath their shirts and attempt to get into as many hilarious positions as possible on a Twister board. More fun games include telling embarrassing baby stories (each guest tells one story about themselves when they were babies), name the tune (with the word ‘baby’ in it), and bin or baby onesie decorating. Every guest can decorate one item of clothing with meaningful messages and symbols.

Sharing Your Heart

A baby shower is an excellent opportunity for guests to share the ideas and values that give their life meaning. If your loved one is having a small party, it is a great opportunity to ask each guest to talk about one idea, piece of advice, or book they would recommend to your baby. Ask someone to video the talks so your loved one can remember them and bring them up during key moments of their child’s life.

Gifts are of course a core part of the event too. With everything from soothing candles to keepsakes for when baby arrives are some of the most common gifts people receive and appreciate. While typically people give gifts for the baby, a gift for the mom is always appreciated, especially something she can use while recovering after birth. Consider eco-friendly reusable sanitary pads from Haakaa, a comfy robe, or a spa gift card. You can also check out this push presents guide for new mom gift ideas.

Baby showers have changed considerably since they first started, with parents taking the opportunity to host the party together and fill their events with meaning. This can be achieved by making guests important and allowing them to share their inner thoughts and wishes for the new child. Of course, there is no reason why your shower can’t be fun as well. Guests can play a few games, sing karaoke songs, or have a dance to celebrate the momentous occasion that is just around the bend.


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