This social networking thing is aimed squarely at teenagers, correct? Those under the age of 35 mainly use Facebook and MySpace, and you can tell by the number of photos and profanity acronyms that dominate these sites. As a result, one may assume that the "old folks" were completely absent from the scene.
That's a long shot. Internet pioneers have finally started creating networks for the Kennedy-era population, most of whom have no interest in what transpired at last night's kegger.
Starting with LinkedIn, both popular and specialist, here are five websites where Boomers are more than welcome. It's a place where Boomers who haven't yet jumped into the fray may get a taste of what it's all about.
Many Baby Boomers scoff at what the younger generation takes for granted: Why can't I phone my friend and ask how she's doing?
Socially, it's a very different world. But it's also a different world in terms of careers, with many Baby Boomers working well into their 50s and 60s, and many retirees keeping some sort of connection to the workplace even after they've stopped working.
Unlike other social networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook, MySpace is widely considered a kid's site because of its highly customized profile pages and its strong ties to the music industry.
Even more exciting for Baby Boomers is discovering social networks geared specifically toward them. AARP's social network, for example, can be a game-changer.
Real-life experience has a significant impact. Social networking services geared toward Baby Boomers can be a breath of fresh air when it comes to feeling at home.
The AARP network is one example of this type of site (American Association of Retired Persons). The AARP online community has a different focus than other social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook, which are well-suited to personal updates and overzealous "friending." Those over 55 are encouraged to participate in the site's discussion groups, which focus on common interests.
College students created Facebook for college students, and individuals with crow's feet may find it scary. In 2011, there were as many as 9 million people over the age of 55 on Facebook, increasing from just 1.2 million in 2009 and a 10 percent share of the site's demography.
That's for a good cause. Many elderly people join Facebook because their children and grandchildren are on social networking sites, and they want to see what they have to say. To get in touch with a grandchild, all you have to do is go to, see what the kids have been up to this week, and write a message to them.
Baby boomers can also create and share visual posts on their walls to get along with their children and grandchildren. Creating Facebook videos and photos on your own has become very easy now as there are tools like an online video editor and a photo editor. Elderly people can create videos out of old photos and start becoming tech-savvy to mingle with their descendants.
Although most people realize that their older friends are also there, their college sweethearts, childhood best pals, and previous coworkers are all now within reach.
When the man behind set out to start Eons, it was 2006. Since its inception, it has been focused on attracting boomers, engaging them, and retaining them.
It currently has over a million registered users over the age of 50, many of whom are looking to stay connected and actively involved in a world that might sometimes appear designed for the younger generation. Eons certainly have something for everyone over the age of fifty. You wouldn't understand it if you didn't live through Kennedy.
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