Biggest Hurricanes in Florida in the Last Century

Floridians are always ready for the hurricane season. It’s part of their life in the Sunshine State between the 1st of June and the 30th of November. Some hurricane seasons were quiet until mid-September, when predictors started talking about the potential of strong storms crashing into the Sunshine State.

There have been many hurricane activities across the past 100 years to keep anxiety levels high for individuals in Florida. While most storms were the deadliest, public adjusting companies have always been there to help with hurricane damage claims.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at the most notable hurricanes in Florida that caused massive damages and led to a huge number of casualties. Let’s dive deep to unearth more.

The Great Miami Hurricane

The Great Miami Hurricane formed on the 11th of September 1926. The hurricane formed as a tropical wave 1,000 miles east of the Lesser Antilles. It moved hurriedly westward and advanced to hurricane strength as it traveled to the north of Puerto Rico four days later (on the 15th). The winds were recorded to be approximately 150 mph as the Great Miami Hurricane moved over Turks Island the following day (on the 16th) and via the Bahamas on the 17th.

There was little meteorological information on the approaching Great Miami Hurricane. As a result, warnings weren’t issued until the 18th of September. That provided South Floridians with little notice of the forthcoming disaster. The Category Four hurricane’s impact was felt across downtown Miami and Miami Beach on the 18th of September morning hours. This hurricane produced the highest sustained winds ever experienced in the USA at the time.

Hurricane Donna

The US started naming hurricanes female names in 1953. Hurricane Donna took place in 1960 and was described as one of the all-time deadliest hurricanes. The hurricane began as a tropical wave on the 29th of August, 1960. From the African coast, it kept growing in strength. By the time it approached the US, Hurricane Donna was stronger.

It remains the only hurricane in history to produce hurricane-force winds in New England, the Mid-Atlantic States and Florida. The 27.46 inches of landfall pressure makes this hurricane the 5th strongest to hit the USA. Most casualties were reported from the Bahamas, Leeward Islands and Puerto Rico.

Hurricane Jeanne

The 2004 hurricane season was seemingly never-ending, with strong hurricanes in Florida. The hurricane hit Puerto Rico on the 15th of September, 2004. It took an indirect way toward the state. Hurricane Jeanne was at its peak when it hit Florida on the 25th of September.

The hurricane became weaker as it traveled across central Florida. It became a tropical storm when it approached Tampa on the 26th of September afternoon. And by the time it reached central Georgia, it had weakened down to a depression on the 27th of September. When it moved over Carolinas, Delmarva Peninsula and Virginia, between 28th and 29th September, it was still a depression accompanied by heavy rains.

Thereafter, it became extratropical. The hurricane produced extreme accumulations of rain in Hispaniola and Puerto, with approximately 24 inches recorded in Vieques. Hurricane Jeanne's rains resulted in all-time floods to be ever recorded in Puerto Rico and Haiti.

Hurricane Ian

Hurricane Ian started on the 28th of September, intensifying to a deadliest Category Four storm a few days later. The Hurricane steamed toward the Gulf Coast of Florida, bringing life-threatening and property destruction conditions to most parts of the state. It was the third deadliest natural disaster to strike Florida since the Labor Day Hurricane that occurred in 1935.

Also, it was the strongest storm to make landfall in the state since the Michael Hurricane in 2018. It caused huge damage across Carolinas, Cuba and Florida. Hurricane Ian originated from tropical waves that moved off the Western African coast across the central tropical Atlantic and the Windward Islands.

These are the deadliest hurricanes reported to hit the USA in the past century. If you're a Floridian and your property is destroyed during a hurricane, be sure to hire top-rated public adjusting companies to help you with your case. They’ll ensure you pull back the highest possible amount of money from your insurance firm.


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