How to Get Media Coverage for Your Startup


Press coverage for a startup is one of the best ways to get your name out there. The more people that read about your company, the greater chance you have of raising venture capital or attracting customers. But getting media coverage can be hard work if you don't know what to do. In this article, we'll give some tips on how to get press coverage for your startup!

Be new and different

  • Be new and different. People are constantly bombarded with content, so they're more likely to pay attention to something that's new or unusual. If you've got a product that's similar to another one on the market (say, a car company launching an electric car), you need to differentiate yourself from the competition in some way. Perhaps you can offer something more affordable or unique. Whatever it is, make sure it's something people will notice and care about—and then make sure your PR team knows how important this is going into your media outreach efforts!
  • Tell stories with data. When pitching journalists or social media influencers (who are often former journalists themselves), be sure to include plenty of data in your pitches: statistics about how many people have used the product so far or what impact it has made on their lives; quotes from customers who love it; etcetera ad nauseam.

Be customer funded

Customer funding is a critical aspect of any startup. Without it, you won’t be able to scale your business or get new customers. And while there are ways to get customer funding outside of the traditional startup model, such as crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, we’re going to focus on how you can use your current customer base to help fund your business.

Once you have established a relationship with potential customers and built trust through providing them with value (in this case: helping them with their problems), they will become more likely to invest in your business. This investment can come in the form of money paid upfront before they receive their product or service, or by agreeing to pay once they have received said product or service.

Have something to say

A lot of people ask how to get media coverage for their startup.

It’s a good question and here are some ideas on the subject. But first you need to understand that journalists are not going to write about your company simply because it exists. Journalists want to write about things that matter, things that make the world a better place, or at least make readers laugh or think in some meaningful way. So if you have something interesting or insightful that you want to share with the world (or even just an audience of people who have never heard of your startup), then by all means do so!

But don't expect any free coverage unless it's part of an event where journalists are invited as speakers themselves rather than reporters covering sectors from afar: there's no such thing as free publicity these days unless it's delivered via advertising dollars (and even then only if those ads look good).

Don't be a "me too" company

Your company needs to have a unique selling proposition or value proposition. What's the difference between those?

A USP is how you can stand out from the crowd. It's what makes you different from your competitors and what people expect in your industry.

A unique value proposition is how you differentiate yourself in the marketplace by offering something more valuable than others are doing, even if it's not necessarily new or innovative.

Don't be a fad

Don't be a fad. Don't be a "me too" company. Don't be a company that is just a flash in the pan. Don't be a company that's going to disappear in three or four years. In other words, don't look like you're riding on someone else's coattails because then no one will care about what you're doing—even if it's the best thing since sliced bread!

Have substantial content

Your startup will receive the most coverage if you have substantial content to share. This means having a blog, podcast, newsletter, video series, and social media presence.

A blog is an easy way to provide consistent content plus establish yourself as an expert in your industry. No one wants to read a company's marketing materials; they want genuine content produced by people who know what they're talking about. Promote your product, service, or idea while educating your audience in the most extraordinary way with an animated video. Blogs are also great because they can be updated regularly with new information (like product launches), so you don't have to worry about creating an entirely new piece of work every time something changes at your company or in the industry at large—update that existing article!

Podcasting is another good way to share insights into your business’s field—especially if you've got something unique about it that's not being discussed elsewhere online yet (e.g., maybe this particular type of startup has never been done before). Podcasts also allow listeners from all over the world access via their smartphones or computers without having any extra equipment besides headphones—making them especially useful for customer acquisition in international markets like China, where many people still don't have internet access but do own phones!

Get press coverage by being a new and disruptive company

Getting press coverage for your startup is a lot like getting a date on Tinder. You want to be unique, different and disruptive. And if you’re really going for the win, you should be interesting as well.

If you’re not interested in being the next big thing, then don’t bother trying to get media coverage—because that sort of thing won't happen overnight.

In order to get media coverage, companies need to provide something new or already established industries haven't seen before. For example: Uber did this by disrupting traditional cab services with its ride-sharing concept (and now it's doing it again by offering self-driving cars).


Hopefully you found this post helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below.


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