It’s Time to Get Your Kitchen Summer-ready!

You use your kitchen every day of the year, but every time a new season rolls in, you might feel compelled to make a difference in your living environment. It could mean anything from a deep cleaning and decluttering to purchasing new appliances that can replace your older ones. With summer just around the corner, you might have been wondering what are some of the changes you could make that could put your kitchen in the spotlight once more. Here are some ways to get your kitchen summer-ready so that it doesn’t just look but also works better. 


Your kitchen units and cupboards see a lot of wear and tear on a daily basis and have to deal with spills, stains, and damage from steam. If you had a mould problem or have kids and pets, the surfaces will also likely be more affected. There’s nothing quite like getting new units to freshen up the space. You’ll notice that the effect and visual impact are almost immediate, but if the whole cupboard doesn’t need to be replaced, you can probably get away with getting some new doors. There’s also the option to give them a fresh coat of paint or a polishing treatment that can even out the surfaces and remove any dents and irregularities. 

Deep clean

Although you do the dishes every day and clean all the visible mess, doing a deep clean at least four or five times a year is necessary to keep things hygienic. During summer, eating fruits and veg becomes a more frequent occurrence, so your chopping boards and knives will see a lot of use. That is precisely why you need to have a thorough summer cleanse that eliminates all the dirt that might have accumulated during the winter and spring. You want to make sure you’re cooking in a spotless environment, and the best news is that you can clean using natural ingredients like salt and lemon juice. There’s also the added bonus of having your kitchen smell of citrus, a quintessential summer smell. 


If things have been piling up in your kitchen, it’s high time you got through all of them and decided what you will keep and discard. Clutter can affect you psychologically, making you more susceptible to stress and irritability. Getting rid of it will eliminate the unnecessary visual stimulus weighing you down and allow you to calm down and set your thoughts in better order. Although going through all your possessions to determine which ones you should keep can seem incredibly dull and time-consuming, you’ll see that time passes quickly once you get started. Now that the days are longer and brighter, you’re more likely to feel energetic and better prepared to handle your chores. 


Having plants indoors helps with air quality and can reduce stress levels. If your home is surrounded by the concrete jungle on all sides, you probably know how important it is to be surrounded by trees and feel the grass under your feet every once in a while. Living in the city means you won’t be able to do that all the time, but you can get the middle ground by investing in houseplants and caring for them. Placing them in the kitchen will instantly add life and colour to your environment, as well as provide you with a relaxing and grounding atmosphere. You can also grow your own herbs in your kitchen since there are several that can handle life in a pot very well. 

Rosemary, basil, parsley, mint, dill, cilantro, oregano, fennel, and sage are just a few of them. After you become adept at helping them grow, you can take your endeavours one step forward and start growing some vegetables as well. Spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, garlic, carrots, radishes, and aubergines are sturdy enough to thrive indoors with a little bit of attention and care. 

Summer kitchen

summer kitchen is essentially an outdoor space with roughly the same functionality as the standard kitchen area in your household but with some added benefits. It is convenient, increases your home value, and provides extra space if your home is on the small side. The summer kitchen became popular during the 18th and 19th centuries, but it remains popular to this day among those who enjoy cooking all their meals at home. If you already have an outdoor space designated for cooking, treat it the same way as your home kitchen for the upcoming summer by cleaning and decluttering. 

On the other hand, if you’ve been thinking about adding this extension to your space, you could kickstart the project this summer. Plan ahead to stay within a budget and avoid overspending, as it is perfectly possible to reduce costs. However, if you’d like your summer kitchen to be extensive and complex or plan on using costly materials, you should know that it will definitely add to the amount you must pay. 

The outdoors

During the summer months, you’ll most likely want to invite people over, and the kitchen might be the best place to host, depending on the size of the crowd you’re expecting. But how can you ensure that your kitchen feels inviting? Focus on seating and make sure it is as cosy and comfortable as possible. Everyone should have enough room to guarantee relaxation. The lighting shouldn’t be too strong but not too dim either, as both will impact the atmosphere and even create eye discomfort. 

If you have a garden, you should consider entertaining your guests outdoors this summer. Just make sure it is easy to get to the garden from the kitchen and vice versa, as people will likely want to grab more food or drinks, and having to go through the entire house can be a little uncomfortable. 

You spend a lot of time in your kitchen every day, but you might not even realise how much use you get out of this space. Show it some tender loving care this year so that it can continue to serve you well.


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