6 Resume Mistakes Experienced Workers Make

Whether we like it or not, age discrimination is a real thing in the job search world. If you're looking for a new job after the age of 50, it behooves you to be aware of this little fact. Most of the time, resumes are the first step to getting your foot in the door for an interview. Automated processes and HR screeners review many resumes every day, so it's important that your resume doesn't inadvertently make you appear dated, which can cause screeners to assume your abilities and skills are dated, too.

A Forbes article by Robin Ryan highlights six resume mistakes to avoid and we thought we'd share these good tips. Ryan is the author of 60 Seconds & You're Hired and Over 40 & You're Hired.

Mistake #1 Too Long

Ryan recommends you leave off work descriptions you did prior to 2000. Employers really only care about the last 10 years, so don't tell your whole life story in your resume. If you feel compelled to include older experience, only note the job title, company, and employment dates.HR recruiters state that will only read 2 pages max.

Mistake #2 Too General

Avoid long, dull job descriptions. Employers are interested in seeing the results you have achieved, so outline the accomplishments and outcomes you have recently delivered. Focus on how you're still a key contributor and how you've been innovative. Quantify whenever possible.

Mistake # 3 Left The College Graduation Year Off Or Fudged It

If you think removing or changing your graduation date so employers can't guess your age is a good idea, don't do it! If there's no date, employers may wonder if you ever finished your degree. Most companies do a background check nowadays, so if you're lying about your degree date, it will probably come out. And getting caught in a lie is a quick way to not get an interview or to have a job offer terminated.

Mistake # 4 Missing Keywords

Whether companies are using software or a human to come up with and review for keywords, your best bet is to include the most important work tasks for your job into the resume and be sure that related job or specific field words involved in performing key functions are in the resume too.

Mistake #5 No Technology Skills

If you don't have basic computer skills like Word and Outlook, take a class. If you do have a slew of skills, here is your place to shine. Some examples of things worth mentioning? Experience with databases, being an expert user in Excel or Project, blogging skills using Wordpress, creative skills using PowerPoint...you get the idea.

Mistake #6 Bad Formatting

Be careful you don't use an outdated style, like writing in only paragraphs! Use bullets that are short and concise and keep the font size to a 12. Having a long list of skills is a dated style - it's better to demonstrate your abilities and skills within your experience and results achieved.

Lastly, don't forget to proof carefully!


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