A Brief Guide on How to Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Boosting your immune system is easier said than done, as you may have to make changes to your lifestyle and diet. The body runs on the fuel put into it, and that is why one should focus on eating healthier as this gives the body better fuel. Feeding the body nutritious fuel is just one of the ways we can benefit our immune systems.

The immune system plays a vital role in defending the body against illnesses and diseases. Boosting the immune system naturally outdoes artificial vitamin supplementation or any other pills as they can contain harmful chemicals and preservatives. Read our brief guide with simple tips on how to boost the immune system naturally:

Prioritize Sleep

Have you realized how, when you are sick, your sleep duration increases, or you feel the urge to sleep more frequently? That is because your body repairs itself while you are sleeping. Should you struggle to sleep, look at limiting your screen time up to an hour before bed, as the blue light emitted disrupts your circadian rhythm - your natural wake-sleep cycle.

We recommend that you sleep in a dark room, put up darker curtains in your bedroom, or try using a sleeping mask. You can even sleep better with essential oils. Most people have found that the therapeutic scents are relaxing and soothe feelings of anxiety, depression, and stress. Getting a better-quality sleep, therefore, enables the immune system to have more strength with which to fight off viruses.

Exercise for Immunity

There are two different types of exercise: prolonged or intense exercise, as well as moderate exercise. Prolonged or intense exercise is known to suppress your immune system because too much strain is put on the body as you push your body to work harder, and you could end up injuring your muscles. Prolonged and intense exercises include heavy weightlifting, sprinting, powerlifting, or hiking uphill.

Moderate exercise includes steady walks, steady cycling, jogging, swimming, and light hiking. As your body gets used to the moderate exercise, you can increase the intensity and will not be at risk of getting sick as opposed to if you started with intense workouts. Another added benefit of exercise is that it assists sleep.

Stay Hydrated

It is no wonder that dehydration causes headaches and can disrupt your focus, affect your overall mood, slow down your digestion, and have an impact on your heart and kidneys. While teas and juices are known to hydrate, it is better to limit the intake of teas and juices because of their high sugar content. Water is beneficial to your overall health and decreases susceptibility to illness. You should try to increase your water intake to up to 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. The more you exercise, the more water you will have to drink as you lose a lot of water while you sweat.

Eat More Whole Plant Foods

Whole plant foods include fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds as they are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Antioxidants fight off sickness, boost the immune system, and decrease inflammation by attacking free radicals, which are unstable compounds.

Fibers in plant foods feed the gut microbiome, which is the community of healthy bacteria in the gut. A stable gut microbiome improves your immunity by preventing pathogens (bacteria and viruses) from entering the body through the digestive tract. Adding more garlic when you cook and cooking with canola oil are also great for immune boosting.

Organic turmeric powder and apple cider vinegar are proven to reduce inflammation, stabilize blood sugar and encourage a healthy metabolism. You can mix them separately with water and drink it in the morning. Citrus fruits are extremely high in vitamin C, which everyone knows helps to fight off bacteria, boost your immune system, and reduces the duration of a cold or flu. Nuts, seeds, salmon, and avocado are rich in healthy fats, which are beneficial to your health.

Eat Fermented Foods or Take a Probiotic Supplement

Fermented foods are rich in probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria. Probiotics contain beneficial gut bacteria that help immune cells differentiate between normal, healthy cells and harmful invader organisms. Probiotic supplements are a good substitute for fermented foods. Some side effects caused due to high probiotic content of fermented foods can cause bloating and gas. Fermented foods help to break down nutrients in food, making them easier to digest.

A few studies have shown that Lactobacillus helveticus and Bifidobacterium probiotic strains reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Both probiotics are found in fermented foods. Fermented foods are yogurts, sauerkraut, cheese, kombucha, salami, sourdough bread, and olives.


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