A Singers Outlook on Shoewear
By Mahkey (Mahir Kapetanović)

As an Artist founded on the TV show "The Voice“ in Croatia, Croatian National Television and working on my new songs and materials, artist like myself can sometimes feel out of tracks, balancing their lifestyle and the business they are in.

I wanted to create a footwear for everyday-casual, but stylish,  adapting to the nature of creative business.

"I'm going to the grocery store, after that play some tennis on the wall, come home and prepare for my meeting, going there with the same shoes.“

I've made many songs in my life for myself, and for others, but this is my first shoe line.

You can pre-order in the next 30 days, for now it is limited until I get to the next phase of production.

Being creative and productive keeps me happy and alive, so I can keep following what I love and sharing this beauty to the world.

You can pre-order my shoes here: https://www.aliveshoes.com/capet


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