As You Get Older, You Need to Drink More Water

As the body ages, it goes through many changes. One of those changes relates to how it stores, uses and processes water. Did you know that you need to drink more water than at other periods in your life when you get older?

Not drinking enough water leads many seniors to exacerbated health issues, short hospitalizations, and other medical scares. Stressful experiences like this can be traumatic, and it’s best to do your part to avoid them altogether.

You need to drink more water as you age; here’s why.

Why You Need More Water

Did you know you need more water than you think as you age?

It’s true! Our bodies need more water as we age for several interesting reasons. Understanding those reasons makes it easier to prioritize increasing your daily water intake. Here are some of the primary reasons you should be drinking more.

#1: Thirst Sensation Decreases

It’s been known for decades now that the sensation of thirst decreases as we age. While several psychological and physical reasons are being studied to understand this phenomenon more, the primary thing to remember is that you won’t always notice when you’re thirsty.

As you age, thirst becomes a sign of dehydration already setting in. This transition can be challenging to manage because we are accustomed to thirst being an early alert instead of a warning sign. Many seniors have been hospitalized with an illness that ends up being rooted in dehydration, and it often comes down to the simple fact that they didn’t feel thirsty.

#2: Other Conditions Prevail

Another reason that thirst goes unnoticed in aging adults is due to overlapping symptoms with other chronic issues and illnesses.

Dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, sore muscles, aching hands, and many other symptoms of dehydration may be something you experience due to other conditions. When you become used to these problems, you may start to ignore them as part of your pain management. This can lead to not drinking enough water.

#3: Body Contains Less Water

As our bodies change over time, the amount of water in our bodies varies, too. Seniors have less water content in their bodies to begin with than their younger selves. Bodily functions that rely on that water have fewer water reserves to reach for, and this causes dehydration faster than it would in a younger person.

Tip to Increase Your Water Intake

Now that you know why you need to drink more water, let’s make a plan to make it possible. It’s not always as simple as “drink more water,” though that’s a significant first step. Try these methods of increasing your water intake to protect your body from dehydration.

#1: Add Some Variety with Infused Water

Coffee, juice, and iced tea are all made with a large amount of water, but they aren’t a good substitute for adequately hydrating your body. Still, drinking plain water over and over again can be difficult for some people.

A great solution to this problem is to find infused water that suits your taste. Infused water comes in many flavors; you can even create your own batches if you feel inspired. Mixing up flavors of infused waters allows you to vary your drinks without switching to sugary juices that aren’t good for you. By drinking bladder friendly drinks like infused water, you're making the most of your fluid intake.

#2: Get a Filter

Staying hydrated gets even more complicated when you don’t like the taste of your water at home, and no one wants to need to keep buying bottles of water. A great way to avoid this issue is to buy a filter for your sink tap or a filtered pitcher.

Having fresh filtered water helps you stay hydrated throughout the day and ensures that your drinking water is as safe as possible. Water can contain various contaminants that can be filtered out, and this filtration usually improves the taste of water as well.

#3: Drink Early in the Day

There are many reasons people don’t drink enough water. A common complaint doctors hear about drinking more water is that it leads to more bathroom breaks. This is understandable, especially when finding a bathroom in public is often inconvenient, and many seniors struggle to use public restrooms due to mobility issues.

One solution to this problem is ensuring you correctly time your water intake. By drinking water early in the day, you can avoid getting up multiple times at night. If you know you will be out of the house for a few hours, try to time when you hydrate so you won’t need to use the restroom while out.

If you still have problems with the bathroom or incontinence, talk with your doctor about a plan to balance your comfort with your need to hydrate. Work together to develop a solution that protects your body and mind.


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