Heard of a 50-50 Party?

There's a new trend when it comes to gifting for occasions and it's pretty darn cool. Have you heard of a 50-50 party? The simple concept is really gaining steam, especially when it comes to kid parties. However, the idea could be applied to any type of party for any occasion.

For a child's birthday party, for example, instead of bringing gifts, attendees are asked to give a cash gift. At the end of the party, the cash is totaled up and half is given to the child to buy a larger, more expensive item on his wish list, with the other half going to a charity of the child's choice.

This idea eliminates the clutter of toys that come with a child's birthday. Many gifts aren't needed or wanted and will hardly be used. It teaches children about charity, compassion, and discovering something to be passionate about. Also, parents sending their kids to the party don't have to stress about buying a gift. Win!

If you feel like it would be awkward to ask for cash, coming up with the right wording and a simple explanation on the invitation should suffice. Honestly, what person wouldn't want to assist in a good cause?

If people don't listen and still bring gifts, you can choose to donate the physical gifts.

What do you think? Parties usually bring unnecessary gifts that just take up precious space and this idea really seems like a win-win for everyone. Maybe suggest it for your grandchild's next birthday party. Or for an adult party, request no gifts and a donation to a charity instead!


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