Neck Pain Among Seniors: Common Causes and a Helpful Solution

As we grow older, our body becomes less and less prone to stress management and dealing with pain. This is one of the primary reasons older people cannot handle even the simplest of health problems and discomfort. We may consider neck pain as a sign of stress or tension built up in the muscles but, there could be something else.

Our neck is known as the cervical region of the spine. The top 7 vertebrae are stacked here, and it is the highest region of the spine. The vertebra of your spine consists of cushions made of gel. As you age, the consistency of this jelly-like substance starts to deteriorate. This is why older folks cannot handle neck pain very well.

In Atlanta, a person 65 years or older is considered a senior. These people are known to have unique requirements and extra attention when it comes to healthcare. Fortunately, Atlanta is a highly developed city, and seniors do enjoy various healthcare facilities and alternate care as well.

Common Causes of Neck Pain in Seniors

Since every person has a distinct medical profile, there is no specific reason why older citizens are more sensitive to neck pain. Here are some reasons why you may experience neck pain that becomes intolerable:

Herniated Discs

If you get older, the spinal discs will get dry, making them smaller, sturdier, and less elastic. There are chances that the disc between two vertebrae may get damaged. This results in the fluid oozing out. Once the fluid is out of its disc, it will start creating pressure on the nerves. Herniated discs are one of the most treated issues among seniors who have an inactive lifestyle or obesity. This is quite an uncomfortable scenario for elders as it restricts their range of motion and causes them intense pain. When you are unable to move around and perform daily tasks, it indeed has a toll on the overall lifestyle. You will experience different symptoms like

  • Numbness
  • Tingling sensations in neck and arm
  • Weakness in shoulders
  • Constant pain
  • Inability to move without discomfort

Muscle Strain

This can happen to anyone. Even the most active senior citizens have episodes of muscle strain in their necks. Whether you are doing nothing or doing way too much to maintain an active lifestyle, it can be adverse. For instance, going for high-intensity exercises which involve an enormous amount of weight can do worse than good for your health (for seniors). On the other hand, older folks like killing time on their phones or laptops. Staying in touch with global trends is a great way to connect with others. However, you need to understand that spending an ungodly amount of time on your electronics and gadgets will lead to health complications such as poor posture and muscle wear and tear. Some symptoms that indicate muscle strain are:

  • Inflammation
  • Stiffness
  • Pain upon moving neck
  • Restricted range of motion

Cervical Region Stenosis

When the joints in your spine start deteriorating, your body compensates for the loss by naturally growing bone spurs. The intention is to fuse them in the joint so that the range doesn't collapse. However, in some instances, this natural cause can reduce the motion in your joints. This also results in other health issues like nerve impingement and significant damage to your spinal canal. When a stenosis issue worsens, Orthopedic doctors in Atlanta recommend that the patients go through surgery. It is better to keep an eye on the symptoms. In most cases, there is no significant discomfort but, you may experience different symptoms such as:

  • Loss of balance
  • Problems standing up
  • Loss of body coordination


Arthritis or its more disastrous form – osteoarthritis - is becoming more common because many senior citizens are suffering from obesity. This is a common cause of pain in the cervical region of the spine. Arthritis can also develop with age. When we age, the cartilage in our bones starts to fade. This also results in our discs losing water. Ultimately the pressure on joints starts to cause inflammation in the spine and, overtime, to the neck. People who have arthritis suffer from the following issues:

  • Problems sitting down and standing up
  • Issues with walking
  • Inability to maintain posture
  • Constant pain in joints and spine

Is It Normal To Have Pain In Neck?

For seniors, it can be normal to have neck pain. Not all folks can maintain their health over the years. However, it is essential to consider that if the pain is persistent and continuously growing, you need to seek professional doctor's services. Older people have a sensitive neck, so if not treated on time, something as simple as whiplash treatment can turn into a demanding and intensive surgery.

How Can Seniors Maintain A Healthy Neck?

Senior citizens can implement different healthcare techniques to maintain their neck. Some helpful tips are:

Chiropractic Care

Recommended by professional orthopedic doctors in Atlanta, chiropractic care is a great way to manage your bone and joint strength. Your chiropractor will thoroughly examine your condition and perform manipulations and adjustments to ensure no pressure is built upon the neck. Apart from this, chiropractors are also known to offer lifestyle and nutritional advice to their patients. So, if anything is lacking from your end, your chiropractor will let you know. Many people feel better even after a single session but, if your condition is serious, they might recommend that you take more than one session.

Stretching Exercises

Stretching can be a great way to flex those muscles and just loosen up the pressure built up in your neck. Seniors can use simple stretching techniques to maintain their normal range of motion and muscle health. You can start stretching by sitting on a chair with your feet on the ground. Bring one hand up and touch the opposite side of your head. Now gently bring that side of the head to the opposite shoulder. This will bring a nice stretch in your neck muscles and instantly make you active. 

Resistance Exercises

Your spine is the key component of your entire body. To make sure that you are healthy and active, your spinal health must be optimal. While lifting heavy weights is difficult for most people, adding more straightforward exercises for strength training can definitely leave a good impact. Try taking yoga sessions or tai chi, and resistance band workouts will improve your overall strength. Try working out for 3 to 5 days a week to see significant improvement in your health. Also, if you don't have any issues with joints, exercising regularly will help you shed those extra pounds. So, either way, this is a win-win situation.


Neck pain is quite common among elders. You can suffer from serious neck pain issues if you don't care about your health. Just make sure to keep track of any changes and new symptoms. Seek immediate medical care, but if you think that the issue is getting out of hand, do not hesitate to seek medical attention. By making simple lifestyle changes, you can easily maintain your neck's health for years to come. 

If you want to make an improvement in your overall neck health, try adding different exercise routines like yoga or resistance training to improve stamina and strength.


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