The Most Common Signs Of Addiction: Spotting Symptoms To Help A Loved One

The realization that someone you love has somehow found themselves on a path toward destruction due to substance abuse is undeniably daunting for anyone. And unfortunately, substance abuse is a growing global problem.

That said, drug problems are more prominent in some countries, including Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, Great Britain, and the United States, with the United States reporting the highest numbers of addiction.

However, even though the situation is most unfortunate for any friend or family to endure, you can effectively assist your loved one back onto a healthier life path.

Although, you must approach the situation with the help of professionals, as not everyone is inherently equipped with the tools to assist anyone battling drug addiction. The specifics of addiction are exceptionally troubling to confront for the addict.

Fortunately, there are rehabilitation centers out there that have assisted countless individuals in getting their lives back. So, suppose you notice several of the following symptoms of substance abuse in a loved one. In that case, you can contact Landmark Recovery or a rehabilitation center near you to ensure your loved one really does have the best chance of recovery.

Behavioral Red Flags

Behavioral red flags are often the first symptoms that families and friends note when a loved one develops a substance addiction problem. And these behavioral changes can vary depending on the particular type of substance.

Although, common behavioral changes to look for include drastic sleep changes, dramatic general energy changes, mood swings, aggression, sudden depression or extreme anxiety, changes to priorities, and increased general irritability.

Behavioral changes can be challenging to confront, especially when considering aggression and irritability are prevalent symptoms. So, you must be careful when approaching the situation, as you want your loved one to feel safe and cared for rather than attacked. If you are not too sure how to approach the problem, it is best first to consult professionals to assist you and guide you in the best possible way.

Physical Symptoms

The physical symptoms of substance abuse are often specific to the type of substance in question. However, some general standard physical symptoms are synonymous with most substances out there.

And these common physical symptoms include bloodshot eyes, glazed eyes, and dilated pupils. In addition to these, extreme weight changes are another common symptom. General lethargy or trouble sleeping are also common.

Self-Care Changes

Self-care refers to practices and routines in which we care for ourselves. Therefore, these relate to hygiene, physical appearance efforts, and even eating habits.

If you do happen to notice that a loved one has suddenly stopped practicing these standard forms of self-care, you will have notable reasons to feel concerned. The most common symptoms to watch for in this category include unusual body odors, lack of general hygiene, and unkempt appearances.

Unfortunately, substance addictions alter how we feel about ourselves, which will have an impact on how we care for ourselves. If you notice several red flag symptoms listed above, you should seek further assistance with experts on the matter to help your loved one recover from addiction and get back their quality of life as soon as possible.


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