Games For The Elderly: How Computer Entertainment Influences The Brain In Old Age

What do people who were born before the rise of computer games usually play? You don’t need to conduct a serious sociological survey to answer: if they somehow diversify their leisure time with computer games, then with the help of entertainment such as World of Tanks, Farm Frenzy, as well as various card and board game simulators.

Elder people also like playing new games such as Destiny 2. It has an engaging storyline - it offers a rich and immersive narrative that appeals to players of all ages. Destiny 2 provides a platform for elder players to connect with friends and make new acquaintances. This game requires strategic thinking and decision-making, which can be appealing to elder players seeking mental stimulation. The game's complex missions and puzzles offer challenges that keep the mind sharp and engaged. But for some players, this game may seem very difficult, so they turn to boosting companies for destiny 2 flawless carry.

However, there are many different games for elder people to have fun. But how can this hobby improve their life? We tried to figure out which games would be more useful for older people.

Why do older people choose gadgets for leisure activities?

Games have long become more than just entertainment. They are used to train and demonstrate the capabilities of artificial intelligence: a lot of time has passed since the fights between famous chess players and computer algorithms. Go champion Lee Sedol ended his career due to the superiority of artificial intelligence, and bots developed by Elon Musk's OpenAI bots beat the champions in the game Dota 2. Even to train CIA agents, they use card games based on one of the most challenging board games - Magic: The Gathering.

Computer games are also being developed and used for the benefit of man - this applies not only to computer simulators for pilots and the military. Ordinary games also help - this also applies to people of mature age. Scientists from the University of Montreal conducted a study to understand how computer games affect the brain of an elderly person. Three groups were made up of people aged 55 to 75: the first regularly played the 3D game Super Mario 64, the second learned to play the piano, and the third was idle. After six months in the hippocampus (the area of the brain most closely associated with the mechanisms of memory), people from the first group experienced an increase in gray matter, the second also experienced positive changes, but not so significant, and the third group experienced a loss of this gray matter. Scientists explained this by the fact that during the game the mechanisms of spatial memory were involved, which prevented gray matter atrophy and, perhaps, is one of the most effective ways to combat Alzheimer's disease.

What games should older people choose?

Puzzles and intellectual games train neural connections and existing brain plasticity. All new game tasks contained in the game are reflected in the corresponding areas of the brain and are able to compensate for the consequences of the lack of exercises necessary for brain activity.

Strategy games train different skills needed in real life. During the gameplay, you have to react to unexpected circumstances, prioritize, and operate with large flows of information in a limited time frame. These games develop logical thinking, decision-making speed, and stress tolerance.

Platformers increase the amount of gray matter in the hippocampus of older people since in order to complete these games, you need to connect the processes of spatial thinking and strategic planning. The player needs to constantly analyze the space surrounding the hero, memorize information and look for ways to bypass virtual obstacles. Changes in the structure of gray matter may be related to the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and other mental disorders.

Dynamic shooters have a beneficial effect on the vision of elderly people, their attention, the speed of perception and information processing, and develop fine motor skills. Most importantly, these games should not be too realistic and not have a negative impact on the psychological state of the elderly.

Health-related games promote a healthy lifestyle or provide support during rehabilitation activities. Developers offer games that show the real clinical picture of the disease and even suggest possible treatment options.

Therapeutic video games immerse older people in virtual reality and help them cope with fears and stressful situations. During the gameplay, players are encouraged to do breathing exercises and think about something soothing, which helps to overcome negative experiences. In addition, many therapy games compensate for the growing lack of exercise among the elderly by making them more alive and active. This explains the use of game consoles in medical settings.

Scientists from the University of California have created a game that slows down the aging of the brain. It's called "NeuroRacer" - it's a simple racing simulator in which, in addition to driving a car, you also need to press a button with a certain symbol at a certain moment when it appears on the screen. And sometimes non-existent symbols appear in front of the player, which cannot be found on the gamepad. First, scientists tested the game to confirm the hypothesis that multitasking skills inevitably decrease with age. Then they conducted studies on people aged 60 to 85 in order to identify positive dynamics. As a result, the ability to multitask after two weeks of training in the subjects approached those of 20-year-olds, and new studies six months after the end of the tests reported that these skills did not disappear over time.


In conclusion, gaming, such as the popular game Destiny 2, has shown significant potential in improving brain function among elderly individuals. The interactive and stimulating nature of gaming can provide numerous cognitive benefits, including enhanced memory, increased attention span, improved problem-solving skills, and heightened multitasking abilities. Embracing gaming as a positive activity can open up new avenues for entertainment, personal growth, and cognitive vitality in the lives of older individuals.


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