Here's How to Beat the Afternoon Slump

For some people, it's like clockwork. Early afternoon rolls around and you hit a wall. You've hit the 'afternoon slump' and want to curl up in a ball on your bed. Unfortunately, most of us can't just take a nap in the middle of the day. Why exactly do we get sleepy at this time of day and what can we do about it? We turned to a article for some advice.

A natural dip in your body's temperature occurs between 2:00pm and 4:00pm. The dip is a normal part of your body's circadian rhythm and the reason you feel sleepy is because your body releases melatonin in response, which is a sleep-inducing hormone. Fight the dip by going for a brief walk, step outside in the sunshine or cold air for a few minutes, or listen to some upbeat music. Do something that will get your body moving and perked up.

You could also feel sleepy, moody or sluggish if you're even slightly dehydrated. Drink a tall glass of water and keep one nearby to sip on throughout the day to prevent dehydration. If you seem to forget to drink, set an alarm once an hour and chug a cup of water. Bottles like Yeti and Contigo come in various sizes and keep water cold all day, so fill one up each morning and make sure you finish it by a certain time, like the end of work.

If you've been sitting still at your desk for hours, your body may associate your stillness with going to sleep. Stand up and stretch or go for a lap around the office once every hour or so to prevent this from happening. Again, set your phone alarm to go off every hour to remind you to this, because it's easy to forget when you get busy. Knock two things out at once by walking and sipping water at the same time!

Another reason you could experience the afternoon slump is because of your lunch. Simple carbs (white bread, regular pasta, chips) cause a quick spike in blood sugar, followed by a drop. That drop can leave you tired, so your best bet is to steer clear from heavy-carb foods at lunch or swap them out for whole wheat and whole grain options.

And what if you turn to an afternoon snack around your sleepy time? Check out this article from the Irish Examiner for a list of 11 natural high-energy foods to help you get through the rest of your day. Some of the good ones that are easy to eat for a quick snack pretty much anywhere you are? Bananas, dark chocolate, fruit, and nuts. As tempting as it is to grab a coffee at this time, try not to. It will give you a temporary buzz but will make you feel tired again after the caffeine wears off.

For an interesting take on the afternoon slump relating to what type of sleep habits you're predisposed to, check out this Fast Company article.





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