For many young people, studying at university is one of the best times in their life. It is the first chance that these young adults will have to live away from home and immerse themselves in the rich culture that a university campus offers. However, with increasing numbers of applications and a wave of rising costs from tuition fees to energy bills, there has never been so much strain on the students applying.
This means that more parents are having to step up to the plate and get more involved with their child’s journey to university, both practically and financially. If you are the parent of a child who is determined to study at university, use this guide for tops on how to support them through the application process and beyond.
Encourage research
When it comes to any major life choice, particularly one that could set you back a lot of time and money, research is always recommended. Help your child to investigate the universities and courses on offer by providing useful resources for them, such as online materials and widely recognized guides such as The Time’s annual rankings of major universities which includes testimonies from current and former students to give you more specific insights into the quality of education at each establishment.
Create pros and cons lists
There are rarely going to be binary choices when it comes to where your wants to go and what they want to study, and each option will come with a balance of benefits and drawbacks. Help your child to think about which schools might be best for their preferred subjects, which are most likely to accept their grades, which are more highly respected, and which are in a part of the country they’d want to live in. It is sensible to have a range of options to be prepared for all eventualities.
Look into financial aspects
Now more than ever, financial support is vital for young people embarking on a university course. Research government-given student loans and grants figure out how much you are eligible to receive. Be sure to ask about the repayment schedule and interest rates. Note that quick student loans for short-term essential costs can be obtained from independent providers to help you get ahead of the game before the government loan kicks in at the beginning of term.
Keep key dates in mind
Track key application dates to ensure nothing is missed, including any cutoff deadlines that might apply for certain schools. Try putting all important dates into a shared calendar on your phones and sync it with your laptop and desktop computers too. We have the technology to make life easy for everyone, so we may as well use it!
Provide emotional support
Finally, applying for university can be a stressful time with exam pressure and big life changes on the horizon. So, be there to provide plenty of emotional support throughout the year. Maintain good physical and mental health by eating healthily, exercising, resting, and inviting friends to social events. Give them college apparel and encourage a routine to meet new friends. During their time away at university, your child will benefit from all of these skills.
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