Kratom Addiction and Other Dangers of Using Kratom Regularly

Kratom is something sort of new to most individuals, as it isn’t illegal and only accessible in underground circles. It is produced from tree leaves that are only native to Southeastern Asia and only exist in powder and leaf form. The majority of people claim that it can help alleviate the side effects of opioid withdrawal. However, there is no research backing the claim and has yet to be considered effective.

Even though Kratom isn’t illicit, this is a drug that has increasingly gained traction in the streets in the past decade. Some studies suggest that the continual use of Kratom can become addictive. The effects of this drug vary with the dose used, which is why it’s unpredictable. A tonic effect is what is described as an “upper,” causing elevated heart rate, rapid energy bursts, and restlessness.  Alternatively, opioid effects can make an individual become slower-moving, sluggish, yet very euphoric and content.

The majority of poison control centers have seen an increase in the number of calls they receive due to Kratom misuse. Most of the effects associated with Kratom are widely unknown, a factor that makes this drug dangerous. Although the chances of overdosing are rare, it becomes potentially dangerous when mixed with other drugs or alcohol.  Even if it is legal, there are still likely dangers that need addressing with regard to Kratom and its long-term usage.

Effects of Kratom

This drug has different effects on individuals depending on the dosage amount. When ingested, the effects usually set in within 10 minutes and last for around 90 minutes. People who have consumed the drug say that if taken in small doses, it will affect sociability and alertness while large quantities will have an opposite effect, and cause a person to feel heavy and slow. Continual usage of Kratom can lead to long-term effects that are simply unpleasant and even life-threatening.

Loss of Appetite: Occasional consumption of Kratom can lead to significant weight-loss and ultimately result in eating disorders like Anorexia Nervosa. With a restricted calorie intake regimen, the body can undergo dangerous and severe weight loss that affects the internal organs. Anorexia has the possibility of leading to death as a result of organ failure and starvation and requires medical care to rehabilitate

Constipation: With prolonged and regular Kratom usage, the digestive and bowel system can start slowing down. Even though this is not a severe condition, it can be really uncomfortable having infrequent bowel movements that are hard to pass. In more severe cases, if alleviating the situation isn’t taken, it can lead to colon complications or perhaps even a rupture.

Irritation: There’s a possibility that your body will have an inflammatory response when exposed to Kratom. This will be exhibited with flushing of the skin on the facial region or in the cheek, which will make it look reddish-purple. People have also reported spells where they have experienced frequent itching, sweating, and nausea.

After one has ingested the substance, the effects typically start manifesting and, at times, feel the effect for hours, which will cause major discomfort. Some will feel this irritation that can result in a person experiencing disturbed sleep or insomnia.

Kidney Problems: When Kratom is consumed for an extended duration in high doses, the kidney and liver will get damaged significantly. If you notice yellowing of the skin and very dark urine, then chances are that the damage is happening. When the liver is non-functional, the kidneys undertake the mantle of filtering body toxins. This increases the likelihood of the kidneys getting overworked, resulting in kidney failure amongst individuals with liver damage.

Addiction: Like any drug, Kratom is addictive and will occur with time. If you decide to stop consuming Kratom, you may experience Kratom withdrawal symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, insomnia, aggression, nausea, pains, aches, among others.

Negative Interactions: Combining other drugs with Kratom has the potential of causing hazardous side-effects. Combining this sort of drug with a psychoactive substance will create an adverse drug reaction that can result in potential seizures. When ingested with opioids, every combination of drugs will intensify the other, and possibly cause a potentially life-threatening overdose. Between the years 2010 and 2018, most US poison control centers received an increased number of calls, with some of them being an overdose that led to death.

Accidental Overdose: Individuals with a high tolerance for taking opioids and consume Kratom run the risk of overdosing since they cannot properly dose Kratom. Given its leafy nature, those who purchase powdered Kratom have no way to ascertain if it has been laced with some other drug to exaggerate the effects. 

Image: Uomo vitruviano / CC BY-SA (


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