Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Evening Routine for a Better Night's Sleep

Have you ever laid awake at night moaning because you cannot get to sleep? Are you tired in the morning even if you slept for several hours at night? If any of these sound familiar you certainly are not alone. 

It is common for most people to experience poor quality of sleep at one point or the other, which poses a negative effect on their physical, emotional, and mental health, as well as work outcomes.

Develop Good Sleeping Habits

There are several necessary conditions to follow to create a good evening routine. It is one of the most crucial. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends, helps regulate your body's internal clock. This is because you can develop a sleep pattern that will help you fall asleep and wake up. Here’s how to establish a consistent sleep schedule:

  • Set a fixed bedtime and wake-up time: When you decide your schedules, select times that you can have free time to have about 7-9 hours of sleep at night.
  • Gradually adjust your schedule: If you have disrupted sleep times, it is advisable to get to sleep and wake up an hour or half-hour earlier or later every day and continue doing this until you get the desired new schedule.
  • Stick to your schedule: It is recommended to wait until evening and go to bed at the time you usually do not have to get up early; in the morning try not to sleep too long.

Read Food Labels and Ingredient Lists Wisely

Several factors regarding diet also greatly affect the quality of sleep that a person would have. It might be due to the food that they eat or the natural sleep supplements that they take since it might affect how shallow. Here are some tips for eating and drinking in a way that promotes better sleep:

  • Avoid large meals before bedtime: Heavily spicy compounds slow down digestion, hence one cannot be too comfortable eating such a meal before going to bed at night. It is advisable to use extreme caution and avoid eating meals at least 2-3 hours before going to bed.
  • Be cautious with alcohol: Although alcohol puts people to sleep, it affects the quality of their sleep and might even interrupt it in the middle of the night. If possible, avoid using alcohol or use it sparingly and this should be especially in the evening before going to bed or sleeping.
  • Stay hydrated, but not too much: Give your body the recommended amount of water, but avoid taking many fluids before nighttime to reduce frequent toilet breaks at night.
  • Limit caffeine and nicotine: Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants, which in turn may cause an interruption of sleep in any individual. Oppose to natural supplements for sleep, you should not take them in the late afternoon and evening as they may cause you to have a hard time sleeping at night.

Establishing a Sleep-Friendly Environment

Reading a book, writing in a journal, or doing some light stretching before going to bed can also assist your body in sending a message to the brain that it is time for sleep. Incorporate relaxing activities into your evening routine, such as:

  • Reading a book: Pick softer music, selecting not the songs that could give you such feelings as thrill or suspense that can prevent to fall asleep.
  • Taking a warm bath: A warm bath may reduce muscular tension and make your body more comfortable at a lower temperature than the ambient environment, which suggests sleep.
  • Practicing meditation or deep breathing exercises: Some of these techniques can minimize stress and anxiety levels that may hinder one from getting to sleep.

Limit Exposure to Blue Light

Bright blue light emitted from phones, tablets, computers, and TV screens can disrupt the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. To minimize blue light exposure:

  • Use blue light filters: Most gadgets have features known as Blue Light mode or Blue Light Apps that can dim or block blue light. It is advisable to use these when in the evening to reduce the extent of havoc on your sleeping pattern.
  • Turn off screens an hour before bed: It is recommended to avoid stimulating bright TV screens, computers, or tablets at least an hour before going to bed. So, practice screen-free leisure and pursue other calming pastimes that can help you achieve the same results.
  • Dim the lights: During the evening, ensure that you avoid the use of bright light and this can be a way of reassuring your body that it is time for rest.

Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment

Lighting, color, texture, noise, temperature, and humidity are best natural sleep aid that affect the quality of the sleep you are likely to get; hence, the importance of the bedroom environment. Here’s how to create a space conducive to sleep:

Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet

It is recommended that a bedroom should be between 60 to 67°F (15-19°C) which seems to regulate the sleeping pattern in the right manner. Apply blindfolds or blackout curtains at night, avoid using alarm clocks, and keep the room silent or play soft music at night.

Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows

Your bed must be comfortable, especially the mattress and pillows. If you have an old mattress or worn-out pillows, then these could be a big problem and therefore investing in new ones may be necessary.

Remove distractions

Ensure you do not place items in the bedroom including computers, phones, office documents, clothes, or any moveable items. The bedroom is the area of your house where you sleep and take a rest so you should be able to get a relaxing experience in this room.

Get Physical More Often

Physical activity with supplements for better sleep when done with some routine increases speed towards sleep and also the quality of the sleep. However, the timing and intensity of your exercise can affect your sleep:

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise will require a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. These may include vigor activities like walking, swimming, or practicing yoga, among others.

Avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime

Exercise is known to be an effective way to help one to sleep but intense exercise near the time to bed negatively affects sleep. It is also advisable to avoid high-intensity exercises in the evening and attempt to finish the routines a few hours before sundown.

Managing Stress and Anxiety



Practice mindfulness and meditation

Ways including mindfulness, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation may prove beneficial in reducing stress and anxiety.


Writing before going to bed can help ease anxiety and promote sound sleep. Shift your attention towards positive stimuli and events you are thankful for.

Establish a wind-down routine

Designate a pre-sleep hour for relaxed activities, which can include reading, listening to calm music, or taking a warm bath.


  • What is the most important aspect of a good evening routine for better sleep?

The most important aspect is consistency. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps regulate your body's internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up naturally.

  • How can I create a relaxing bedtime routine?

Incorporate relaxing activities such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, and practicing meditation or deep breathing exercises.

  • Why should I limit exposure to blue light before bed?

Blue light from screens can interfere with your body's production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, making it harder to fall asleep.


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