Play it Forward Has Many Meanings
By Victor Westgate

As I looked down the driveway and saw the tail lights of Raven disappear, I was filled with both nostalgia and joy: nostalgia for all the trips we took in our camper van across America and joy for the couple who just purchased the van as well as the anticipation I knew they were feeling in this moment.

When my wife Lisa and I returned recently from our trip to Texas to see our daughter, there was a realization that we had finished traveling via camper van. Like many things we knew it was time to change our mode of travel while we still liked the camper experience. For that reason, we put our Roadtrek up for sale on Facebook Marketplace and it sold within a few short weeks. We were pleased to find our van a home with two people who shared the same enthusiasm for the van that we had felt so many years ago. Since selling it to these nomads from Cape Cod, we have already received a few calls from them about how the the camper functions. The calls made me feel pleased to pass on not only a great van but my knowledge of how to enjoy the ride!

Likewise, when we sold our cabin in the woods, I felt good knowing the millennials purchasing it would be stewards of the land for decades to come. Play it forward means helping others find joy in a new experience. Both experiences reassure me that I still have value to share with other people; both experiences remind me of folks in my past who did the same for me, making the handing over all the more meaningful.



About the Author

Victor Westgate, a high school educator of 34 years, along with his wife Dr. Lisa Cowley, a holistic chiropractor and nutritional counselor of 25 years, are authors of Pack Lightly: Making Sense of the Second Half of Your Life. You can learn more at:


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